Welhom Developments Ltd
Council has received a formal request from Welhom Developments Ltd (“the requestor”) to change the District Plan in relation to part of 65 and 73 Ratanui Road, Otaihanga (“the site”). On p.1 of its request, the requestor states that the purpose of the private plan change is:
"…to rezone the Site from its current Rural Lifestyle Zone to General Residential Zone under the District Plan with a Development Area and associated Structure Plan, policies and rules.
The Request will enable the residential development of the Site, with specific provision for uses associated with a retirement village."
Information relating to the request is provided below. If you have any questions about this private plan change request, email our District Planning team.
- 2 December 2024 – Requestor formally lodges private plan change request with Council (refer clauses 21, 22 of Schedule 1)
- TBC – Council processes the request, can request further information and commission reports if necessary (refer clause 23)
- TBC – Council may modify the request with the applicant’s permission if appropriate (refer clause 24)
- TBC – Council decides whether to adopt, accept, or reject the request, or convert the request to a resource consent (refer clause 25)
- TBC – Council publicly notifies a request that it has adopted or accepted, allowing submissions and further submissions to then be made (refer Schedule 1)
- TBC – Council holds a hearing where it assesses the request and submissions made and then issues a decision on the request (refer Schedule 1)
- TBC – Council decision is open to appeal to the Environment Court (refer Schedule 1)
Note: Appendix H Attachment D Soakage testing results are available on request – email our District Planning team.
- Appendix C Records of Title and Consent Notice for 73 Ratanui Road [PDF 757 KB]
- Appendix D Landscape and Visual Assessment [PDF 7.71 MB]
- Appendix E Ecological Assessment [PDF 7.86 MB]
- Appendix F Archaeological Assessment [PDF 7.26 MB]
- Appendix G Integrated Transport Assessment [PDF 2.42 MB]
- Appendix H Civil Engineering Infrastructure Assessment [PDF 864 KB]
- Appendix H Attachment D Soakage testing results – available on request
- Appendix H Attachment E. Flood Modelling Correspondence [PDF 2.08 MB]
- Appendix H Attachment F. Wastewater Capacity Assessment [PDF 2.13 MB]
- Appendix H Attachment F. Water Capacity Assessment [PDF 614 KB]
- Appendix H Attachment G. P22 323 Prelim Wastewater Calcs [PDF 212 KB]
- Appendix H Attachment H. P22 323 Prelim Water Supply Calcs [PDF 209 KB]
- Appendix H Attachment I. Council GIS Existing Services [PDF 2.18 MB]
- Appendix H Attachment J. Utility Services Correspondence [PDF 7.3 MB]
- Appendix I Geotechnical Assessment (zip file) [ZIP 25.94 MB]
- Appendix J Economic Assessment [PDF 2.2 MB]
- Appendix K Preliminary Site Investigation [PDF 7.23 MB]
- Appendix L Letter of Support from Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai
- Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Engagement Summerset Development Paraparaumu