Role of the Public Art Panel
Council appoints the Public Art Panel to:
- provide expert strategic advice to Council, including on:
- site priorities and selection
- timelines
- strategic aims
- use of budget
- artworks to be removed or relocated
- external proposals, bequests, donations or loans of artwork for public spaces
- protocols for artwork opening/unveiling, relocation and removal
- assist and advise on the public art programme
- commission major public artworks.
Decisions and recommendations
The panel can make decisions on:
- commissioning processes, methods for selecting artists, and developing briefs
- selecting artists to respond to a brief, and reviewing expressions of interest
- approving artist concepts and detailed designs for public artworks.
Recommendations and decisions must be in line with Aotearoa New Zealand’s laws (including those on copyright, censorship and obscenity), and Council’s:
- Strategy for Supporting the Arts (April 2012)
- Public Art Policy (August 2013)
- public art acquisitions budget and approved programme.
Recommendations and progress reports to Council or the delegated committee will be developed by Council staff with advice from the panel.
Panel meetings are held as needed.
Delegated authority
Once the public art programme has been approved, the Public Art Panel have delegated authority to select public artworks if the:
- location and priority for the artwork has been approved by Council
- cost of the artwork is within approved budget
- decision of the panel is unanimous.