Vision Kāpiti 2060
What is Vision Kāpiti?
We’re working with our communities over three years to shape a clear, districtwide vision to help guide Council planning, decision making, programmes, services, and advocacy for decades to come, this aligns with councillors' priorities [PDF 488 KB] for driving affordable focussed strategic change.
The vision will reflect our communities’ needs and aspirations to 2060 and beyond. It will help drive changes that will ensure our district grows, develops and becomes the place we all want it to be. Shaping our vision is the first step in a three-stage process over three years.
This site sets out the aspirations of our communities gathered in Stage One. During 2024, we engaged with our community and asked what matters most and what changes they want to see so we can make sure Kāpiti grows in a way that is sustainable and supports our place, people and partnerships to thrive. You can read more about this on our Have you say website.
This is a live conversation. If you have thoughts on this material you can talk to one of our elected members to input into the process.
Stage Two will look at how we plan to deliver on these aspirations in more detail, including choices we might have to make over the next few decades. You should hear more from us on this early in 2025.
Stage three will confirm the blue print for action for turning vision into reality and with will be completed in time to feed into the Long Term Plan to be developed in 2027.
Our Vision | Toitu Kāpiti
Supporting sustainable development and communities by a strengthened focus on place, people, and partnership.
Our community outcomes
Our community outcomes help us respond to our challenges and keep our focus on what matters most – the cultural, economic, environmental, and social wellbeing of all the people in our district.

Our place is resilient and liveable for current and future generations.
Our natural environment, water, and infrastructure remains accessible, well maintained and protected from degradation, including climate change impacts as we grow.

Tāngata (people) are supported to live, work and play in our district.
Our people have access to the services, resources and opportunities that enable them to lead healthy, fulfilling lives and feel connected within their communities.

We partner with others to connect, facilitate and advocate for the good of all in Kāpiti.
Our community is involved in decisions that affect Kāpiti, and business, government and community groups work together to ensure resources and funds support our economic needs.
Through 2023-24 we asked our community what matters most and what changes they want to see, so we can shape a vision that reflects our collective needs and ambitions for our district.
This feedback guides us in fostering sustainable growth that benefits our place, people, and partnerships, now and into the future. Explore the districtwide feedback, or delve into the local insights to understand our different communities. Self-discover and see if your voice is reflected in the responses.
Defining what matters most
We are using a holistic view of the community’s wellbeing, considering social, environmental, cultural and economic factors. Our lens is informed by the ‘Doughnut Economic Model’ which is a framework for supporting sustainable development.