17 Feb: Ōtaki water: water in Ōtaki may appear cloudy or bubbly. This is due to air entering the water supply on Wednesday. Water is fine to drink and use as normal, and will settle down soon. There is NO boil water notice in place.

December 2023

New smokefree policy aims to kerb public smoking, vaping
19 December 2023
New smokefree policy aims to kerb public smoking, vaping
The range of public places on the Kāpiti Coast where smoking is discouraged will expand and include the increasingly prevalent vaping.  Kāpiti Coast District Council adopted the Smokefree Public...
Kāpiti opts for sinking lid for pokies
19 December 2023
Kāpiti opts for sinking lid for pokies
There will be no additional pokie machines added to those already in Kāpiti following the adoption of a sinking lid policy.  Kāpiti Coast District Council voted last week to adopt the Kāpiti Coast...
Kāpiti adopts regional plan for reducing waste
15 December 2023
Kāpiti adopts regional plan for reducing waste
Kāpiti Coast District Council has adopted a plan to reduce waste in our district and the Wellington region over the next six years.  Council unanimously adopted the Wellington Region Waste Management...
Council investigating ways to secure older persons’ housing in Kāpiti
15 December 2023
Council investigating ways to secure older persons’ housing in Kāpiti
A comprehensive review of Kāpiti Coast District Council’s older persons’ housing portfolio has identified alternative operating models that could improve affordability and services for tenants while...
Christmas comes early for the recipients of the Waste Levy Grants 2023/24
13 December 2023
Christmas comes early for the recipients of the Waste Levy Grants 2023/24
The Kāpiti Coast District Council is delighted to announce the recipients of the Waste Levy Grants 2023/24.  A small-scale anaerobic digestion pilot to produce energy from organic waste, a cloth nappy...
Non-speaking and Te Reo Māori communication boards unveiled in Ōtaki
01 December 2023
Non-speaking and Te Reo Māori communication boards unveiled in Ōtaki
Following a blessing by Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki at Haruatai Park’s playground this morning, Kāpiti Coast District Council unveiled non-speaking and Te Reo Māori communication boards as part of an ongoing...