17 Feb: Ōtaki water: water in Ōtaki may appear cloudy or bubbly. This is due to air entering the water supply on Wednesday. Water is fine to drink and use as normal, and will settle down soon. There is NO boil water notice in place.

Christmas comes early for the recipients of the Waste Levy Grants 2023/24

13 Dec 2023, 10:44 AM

The Kāpiti Coast District Council is delighted to announce the recipients of the Waste Levy Grants 2023/24. 

A small-scale anaerobic digestion pilot to produce energy from organic waste, a cloth nappy trial service, food waste diversion, education programmes, and circular systems and infrastructure to support bottle reuse are among the projects that will boost waste reduction activities across Kāpiti. 

Fifteen waste reduction projects shared almost $50,000 in funding through the grants. There were two categories in this round, with a total of $30,000 available for eligible community projects, and a total of $20,000 allocated for business waste reduction. 

Council Waste Projects Manager Robbie Stillwell says the grants support a diverse range of initiatives that reduce the volume of waste going to landfill, while also contributing to reducing our carbon footprint. 

“When food scraps and other waste decomposes it releases methane gasses, so waste minimisation is being more widely recognised for its potential to reduce landfill emissions,” Mr Stillwell says. 

“By diverting waste and resources from landfill these projects are promoting reduction, reuse, and resource recovery while also setting our path towards a low-emissions future.” 

The grants are funded through Waste Levy fees paid by waste disposal operators to the Ministry for the Environment, which is then part-allocated to Kāpiti Coast District Council to administer. There is no rates funding for these projects. 

Mr Stillwell said it is encouraging that so many community groups and businesses are exploring ways they can minimise their waste. 

“We had a record number of applications this round, and we were incredibly impressed by the diversity and innovation of programmes they represented. 

“Unfortunately, we have a limited kitty, and are unable to fund everything. We have offered part funding for several projects in order to maximise the amount that can be achieved.” 

The recipients for the Community Projects category are:

  • Kāpiti Softball Club
  • KapiMana Multiples
  • Ōtaki School Te Kura tuatahi o Ōtaki

 The following community projects received part funding:

  • Shoebox Christmas Trust
  • Māoriland Charitable Trust
  • Organic Wealth
  • Juli Hunter Eco Friendly Style
  • The Shed Project Kāpiti Limited
  • St Peter Chanel School
  • Ōtaki Montessori Preschool. 

The recipients in the Business Waste Reduction category are:

  • Energise Ōtaki
  • The Bond Store
  • Gratitude Kefir 

The following business waste reduction projects received part funding:

  • The Roastery
  • Anam Cara Gardens 

For more information on these inspiring community projects and business waste reduction programmes visit Waste levy grants.