17 Feb: Ōtaki water: water in Ōtaki may appear cloudy or bubbly. This is due to air entering the water supply on Wednesday. Water is fine to drink and use as normal, and will settle down soon. There is NO boil water notice in place.

Kāpiti Coast preparing for high tide and another heavy burst of rain

26 Aug 2024, 1:38 PM

As rain continues to fall in the Kāpiti Coast, Council’s emergency operations centre is keeping a close eye on the district’s rivers, roads and networks.

MetService has indicated the possibility of another heavy burst of rain between 3-6pm this afternoon.

Kāpiti Coast District Council’s Emergency Operations Controller James Jefferson says this heavy rain burst is likely to hit during peak commuting time and may cause disruptions to the network, surface flooding and congestion.

See larger image

“We encourage commuters to plan ahead of their afternoon commute,” says Mr Jefferson.

“Thankfully most of our rivers and streams are receding however high tide is expected at 2.30pm which may cause flooding issues in low lying areas.

“We’re aware of flooding in expected hot spot areas and are responding.

“We ask all residents to keep out of flood water. Depths can be deceiving and water may be contaminated.

“Sand is available at Council’s depot in Fytfield Road, Paraparaumu for people to fill bags if they’re required.

“Otaihanga Domain and the track over the river are closed and the Waikanae River Trail should be avoided.”

People are asked to avoid travel wherever possible and to be prepared for any change in the situation.

“We’re also aware of a landslip on the main rail line between Paraparaumu and Paekākāriki. There are some delays, please up to date with any cancellations through Metlink.

“If life, health or property is in danger, call 111 immediately.”