Te Ara Whetū – Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai gifts a name for the new Waikanae Library
15 May 2024, 11:10 AM
Kāpiti Coast District Council today formally accepted from Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai their gift of the name ‘Te Ara Whetū’ for the new Waikanae Library.
Kāpiti Coast District Mayor Janet Holborow said the gift acknowledges the strong partnership between Council and mana whenua, and confirms Council’s commitment to incorporate te ao Māori into the new facility.
Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai chairperson Cherie Seamark said ‘Te Ara Whetū’ refers to the concept of ‘stars from the mountains to the sea’. It celebrates the district’s heritage and people.

“The name speaks to the importance of water as the source of life and as the connector of the land with our district’s icon, Kāpiti Island,” said Ms Seamark.
“Te Ara Whetū will welcome people to gather, to learn and explore, build connections, and enhance
wellbeing. It will be a place to reflect and share stories of yesteryear, the present and the future,”
said Jack Rikihana ONZM, Chairperson of Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai Kaumatua Committee.
“We thank Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai for this meaningful gift and look forward to their continued involvement in the development and operation of Te Ara Whetū,” said Mayor Holborow.
Design of the facility is progressing on several fronts. Fittings and contaminated materials are being removed from the building, detailed building investigations continue, and designers are finalising high-level spatial requirements. The workstreams will soon converge to provide a detailed understanding of what can be achieved with the existing building.
The feedback received from last year’s community engagement is a core information source for designers. They’re prioritising what the community said they value most – creating welcoming, flexible spaces with books at its core. The facility’s new name and its story will also influence the building design. For example, every effort will be made to ensure the view from mountains to the sea is available from the new facility.
Concept designs will be ready to share with the community later this year. Until then, find out more at Waikanae Library replacement.
Te Ara Whetū
Ko Kapakapanui te maunga
Ko Waikanae te awa
Ko Kāpiti te motu
Ko Whakarongotai te marae
Ko Te Ātiawa te iwi
Ko Te Ara Whetū tēnei e tū iho nei.
Kapakapanui is my mountain
Waikanae is my river
Kāpiti is my land
Whakarongotai is my marae
Te Ātiawa are my family
Te Ara Whetū is the future