What should I read next?
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Who else writes like?
We subscribe to Who else writes like?, a database that matches up authors you know you like with authors you might like to try.
1. Login to the Catalogue (click the LOGIN link at the top right of this page)
2. After you've logged in, select the HOME button:
3. Then look for the following to the right of your screen:
4. Once you're in the Who Else Writes Like..." website, click on the 'Login with your Library Card option' and use the prefix: KCD- (followed by your library card number).
This database also has a children's version called Who next...? which you can access from the home page of Who else writes like?
Readers' guides
For books in particular genres, try some of the suggested authors in our readers’ guides. Find these at each library.
Children's reading
Our Children's section has reading suggestions, reading programmes and much more!
Catalogue reviews
Anyone can place a review on our catalogue for you to read and help discover new titles. Just click the Review button to the right of the title.