- Dog and animal management
- Cemeteries
- Fees and charges
- Rubbish and recycling
- Roads, transport and parking
- Business licences and permits
- Waters
- Noise control
Grants and funding
- Arts sustainability fund
- Climate action grants
- Community and Affordable Housing Seed Fund
- Community board grants
- Community grants
- Creative Communities Scheme
- Districtwide Facility Hire Remission Grants
- Heritage Fund
- Major events fund
- Museum and heritage development
- Māori Economic Development Grants Fund
- Social investment funding
- ThinkBIG grants
- Waste levy grants
- Wellington Community Fund
- Council facilities for hire
- Council properties
Community and Affordable Housing Seed Fund
Recently, to address the nationwide housing shortage and crisis, the Coalition Government has released its “Going for Housing Growth” agenda. As part of this, central and local government are working together to develop housing performance incentives for councils that deliver more new housing. These incentives will be provided via the establishment of a $1 billion Build-For-Growth fund, made possible by stopping existing programmes like KiwiBuild.
Get your application in by 11.59pm Sunday 29 September. See How to apply for details.
As a council, we have a legislative obligation to plan and manage community growth, including housing, for a minimum horizon of 30 years. As part of this, we need to make sure we focus on delivering our “basics” well by supporting the housing sector to be prepared for new funding opportunities as they become available. This includes establishment of a new one-off Community and Affordable Housing Seed Fund.
The Community and Affordable Housing Seed Fund is designed to help social enterprises and organisations create local housing projects that may offer more community and affordable housing in the Kāpiti Coast. By providing this fund, it’s anticipated the district and housing sector will also be better prepared to access any future funding opportunities for new housing.
If you need more information or advice, email our Housing Team before the application closing date.
Read our terms and conditions before applying.
Date | Activity |
Monday 2 September 2024 | Opening of applications for Community and Affordable Housing Seed Fund. |
11.59pm, Sunday 29 September | Closing of applications for Community and Affordable Housing Seed Fund. |
7–9 October |
5 November | Funding decision made by Council’s Social Sustainability Subcommittee. |
8 November 2024 | Applicants notified of application outcome from this date. |
This one-off seed funding is designed to help social enterprises or local organisations prepare for the opportunity that will shortly arise to access funding for new housing and provide community or affordable housing on the Kapiti Coast.
The grant is for operating costs and is intended to help organisations build their ability to create and deliver community or affordable housing initiatives. It can also be used to start or develop housing projects, to increase the number of community and affordable housing options in the Kāpiti Coast district.
We hope this grant will encourage more community organisations or social enterprises to create local housing projects and offer more community and affordable housing options to those in need in Kāpiti.
This is a contestable fund. Each application will be assessed on its merits, on a case-by-case basis. Council will target funding that best meets the assessment criteria and supports projects in communities and places where there is the highest need and where there is the opportunity for initiatives to be most effective.
Funds available
There is $150,000 available in total for this seed fund. We expect successful applicants will receive between $30,000 and $80,000.
Check your eligibility below for the fund before completing the application form. If you’re not sure, please contact the Housing team.
Successful applicants can be an organisation or group that is looking into housing options and intends to create an entity or partner with an existing entity, but do not need to be a registered Community Housing Provider (CHP). Applicants can choose to work with a registered CHP, or partner with other local organisations to help ensure their proposal will be successful.
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for the fund, organisations:
- will need to be a local organisation or entity, or a regional or national organisation wanting to establish a project in the Kāpiti Coast District
- may be either:
- currently providing housing
- planning to provide community or affordable housing in Kāpiti
- can be affiliated with a national organisation.
Desirable criteria
Applicants will have a better chance of being selected for funding where they can:
- prove their credibility, competency and capability in their main services or activities
- provide information about any accreditation, and how they follow relevant laws in their policies, processes and systems, especially those for managing community or affordable housing
- show an understanding and appreciation of the issues related to providing community and affordable housing.
All applicants should be able to demonstrate sufficient prior experience and skills to deliver on the proposal.
Eligible purposes
The grant is for operating costs for projects, new initiatives improvements or expansions to existing community and/or affordable housing programmes using proven existing models. Funding is not to be used for capital assets. Eligible purposes might include (but are not limited to):
- early-stage project activities (eg, discovery, scoping, investigation, modelling)
- initiation activities (eg, moving forward with early-stage housing projects, including identifying sites, and carrying out feasibility studies)
- delivery activities (eg, expanding existing housing projects or capacity)
- trials and pilot programmes using proven existing community and/or affordable housing models
- training needs and skill development of workers
- wages that are directly related to the project
- equipment which is necessary to achieve the outcomes of the project (submit two quotes per item of equipment, where possible)
- administration costs and project-related expenses (up to $2000)
- travel (the cost of travel will only be funded if it can be demonstrated it's essential for the project and is a reasonable cost; each journey will be evaluated on its individual merit to the project).
Ineligible purposes
Ineligible purposes that will not be funded include:
- retrospective projects/work and related costs that have already completed
- capital costs
- purely profit-making activity
- any costs involved in preparing the application
- subscriptions and memberships
- debt servicing
- catering costs.
How to apply
You can apply online or download an application form:
- Community and Affordable Housing Seed Fund application form – online
- Community and Affordable Housing Seed Fund application form [PDF 73 KB]
- Terms and conditions.
Proposals should align with Council’s Housing Strategy,
Proposals should align with Council’s Housing Strategy, including its visions, principles and objectives. They should focus on housing provision, not social services provision, in Kāpiti.
We especially encourage proposals that address a specific housing need or action. We may prefer proposals that:
- explore cost-effective ways to provide housing for local communities
- offer mixed housing models, such as community housing, affordable rentals, future home ownership, or social housing
- ensure fair access to affordable rentals and home ownership
- use existing housing more efficiently
- increase the variety of housing options
- help increase Māori housing supply or support mana whenua vision and priorities
- offer housing solutions designed for the needs of specific people.
Your proposal can be at any of the following stages:
- Early stage: for example, scoping, investigation, modelling
- Initiation: for example, moving forward with early-stage housing projects, including identifying sites, and carrying out feasibility studies
- Delivery: for example, expanding existing housing projects or capacity.
Depending on the type of project you're proposing, you may need to provide more information about how health and safety will be managed in your project.
Projects are expected to start within three months of receiving funding (unless a different agreement has been made). Projects must meet agreed targets and be completed within 12 months of receiving funding.
Council requires regular reporting on how the grant money is used. Reporting every three months is common.
You must tell the Housing Seed Fund team when your project is complete and include a final report. You’ll need to provide proof of purchase for any equipment or travel costs with your final report or progress report.
Other conditions
Council has the right to:
- visit any project or use it for promotional purposes if it has received grant money; the grantee will be notified before the visit
- stop and refuse further grant payments if, in our opinion, the grant recipient intentionally or through neglect causes the project to fail; our decision is final and there will be no rights to appeal, review, and damages.
If the project fails or finishes early for any reason, Council may ask for the grant money to be returned, so we can give it to another project.
1 Definitions
1.1. Definitions: In this agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:
1.1.1. Applicant means the person, persons, or entity applying for funding from Kāpiti Coast District Council, and may also be referred to as the Applicant or Funding recipient.
1.1.2. KCDC means Kāpiti Coast District Council.
1.1.3. Grant Agreement means the contract entered into with the Applicant detailing the agreement between KCDC and the Applicant.
1.1.4. CAHSF means the Community and Affordable Housing Seed Fund that KCDC oversees and allocates subject to these terms and conditions and the terms and conditions in the Grant Agreement.
2. Funding
2.1. KCDC has initiated the CAHSF using Better Off funding from central government. It is a one-off fund and is run by KCDC in its sole discretion. There is no implied ongoing provision for the fund.
2.2. The CAHSF is funding targeted to develop local initiatives to deliver more community and/or affordable housing options in the Kāpiti district.
2.3. When allocating the fund, decision makers will look to ensure successful projects reflect the intent of the fund and will deliver good value for end users, by supporting initiatives that are cost effective and can produce clear benefits for our communities.
2.4. Funding cannot be used for capital costs, debt servicing, cost related to retrospective projects, work already completed, subscriptions and memberships, or similar.
2.5. These terms and conditions are to be read alongside the terms and conditions contained in the Grant Agreement entered into by an Applicant or fund recipient following completion of a successful application and will form part of that agreement.
2.6. Because Council has limited funds, not all worthwhile initiatives may be supported with funding.
2.7. KCDC is not obligated to grant the entirety of the CAHSF.
3. Application process
3.1. The application submitted by an Applicant must be in a form acceptable to KCDC. Applications not in an acceptable form may be rejected.
3.2. Each applicant must disclose all matters likely to be material to KCDC's consideration of its application or which might have a bearing on the outcomes to be delivered from the funding.
3.3. KCDC at its sole discretion, reserves the right to:
3.3.1. Change the criteria, parameters, date, timeline, or any other aspect of the Grant Application or application process;
3.3.2. Waive any application requirements;
3.3.3. Reject any application;
3.3.4. Require applicants to supply additional information;
3.3.5. Suspend or cancel the investment process in whole or in part;
3.3.6. Impose conditions on the approval or payment of KCDC's investment (e.g. a requirement to successfully obtain a level of private investment)
3.3.7. Seek independent advice and/or cross- reference by the Applicant.
3.4 KCDC may carry out due diligence in respect of an application. This may include due diligence on Applicants, organisations, or personnel involved. It may extend to financial due diligence and relevant track records either as part of the application assessment process or as part of any subsequent contract negotiation. By making an application, the Applicant consents to KCDC making due enquiries with third parties in this regard and agrees to provide access to referees where requested by KCDC.
3.5 KCDC will inform an Applicant of the success (or otherwise) of an application.
3.4. The success of an application does not mean that the Applicant is entitled to the full amount sought in the application or any specified amount or percentage of that. KCDC will inform the Applicant of the level of funding it is prepared to contribute which will be outlined in the Grant Agreement.
3.5. No decision is binding on KCDC until a Grant Agreement between KCDC and the Applicant is agreed, and the parties have signed and executed the agreement.
3.6 Applicants who are successful are required to provide a project plan focusing on proposed initiative which the Applicant can work in conjunction with KCDC to develop and optimise if successful.
3.6. The Applicant warrants that all information provided in relation to the application is true and correct in all material respects, at all times, and is not misleading whether by omission or otherwise.
4. Privacy
4.1. KCDC is committed to Applicant privacy and will comply with applicable privacy laws, including the Privacy Act 1993, to the extent possible when sharing the Applicant’s information with third parties in connection with all aspects of the application process. The Applicant acknowledges that their data may be shared for the purpose of evaluating their application.
4.2. KCDC may publish or publicly release information in relation to the CAHSF and specifically in relation to the funding amounts requested.
4.3. KCDC is governed by the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. KCDC is committed to being transparent about its activities and its investments and as such may publish investment and contributions to grants. Further, KCDC may publicly disclose its financial and other involvement in and/or contribution to in KCDC's Housing Programme at its sole discretion.
4.4. By submitting an application, the Applicant acknowledges that the information in their application may be disclosed publicly, or to a third party, and agrees to the disclosure of such information.
5. Termination
5.1. KCDC may terminate consideration of, or reject, an application at any time prior to a Grant Agreement being signed and executed.
5.2. KCDC is not required to give a reason where it terminates or rejects an application.
6. Conflicts and disclosure
6.1. The applicant agrees to include details of any potential conflict of interest in the application, in particular (but not limited to), whether any KCDC employee or Councillor, or their immediate family have any interest or involvement in the event and any other matters that may compromise KCDC's ability to make a decision or that may bring the process into disrepute. Failure to disclose a conflict will result in immediate termination of an application or Grant Agreement.
6.2 All Applicants must disclose to KCDC any other central government or local government funding sources, including any sources where the Applicant has lodged an application for funding and whether or not that funding has been confirmed.
7. Applicants must not directly or indirectly seek to influence KCDC's funding decisions in any improper or unethical manner (or in any way which might have the appearance of being so), nor attempt to solicit or garner non-public information from KCDC which might give an unfair advantage in the application process.
8. Reporting
8.1. Funding recipients will be required to provide to Council written project updates during the project (frequency to be mutually agreed), and a project completion report within 2 months of project completion. The post project report should cover with sufficient detail the use of funding received as required by Council to, amongst other purposes, enable Council to calculate the Return on its Investment. By way of example only this will include providing data and narrative reports on the project, and documentary evidence as to how the funds were spent.
8.2. Funding recipients must provide KCDC with photography and/or video content to help promote the project outcomes and agree to transfer ownership of all intellectual property rights in this content to Council from the date of its supply.
9. General
9.1. Confidentiality: Except as required by law, and subject to these terms and conditions, both parties shall preserve as confidential any information of a confidential nature that they acquire in relation to the other.
9.2. Dispute resolution: Should a dispute arise in relation to the interpretation of these terms and conditions the Applicant must notify KCDC in writing, detailing the problem. KCDC will determine whether there is any dispute to resolve and will inform the Applicant of its decision in writing, and if there is a dispute to resolve, then the process that will be followed.
9.3. Severability: If any part of these terms and conditions is held by any court to be illegal, void or unenforceable, such determination shall not impair the enforceability of the remaining parts of these terms and conditions.
Jurisdiction: These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of New Zealand and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the New Zealand courts.