- Dog and animal management
- Cemeteries
- Fees and charges
- Rubbish and recycling
Roads, transport and parking
- EV charging network
- Roading
- Footpaths
- Parking
- Bike stands
- Abandoned vehicles
- Business licences and permits
- Waters
- Noise control
- Grants and funding
- Council facilities for hire
- Council properties
Problems with roadside vegetation
Having issues with vegetation near a road? Find out who to contact to get it put right.
To report:
- overgrown vegetation on a traffic island - contact us
- a tree growing into power lines – call Electra
- a tree(s) growing into telephone lines – call One NZ or Chorus
Other tree issues
Contact Council for any of the following tree issues:
- branch:
- has fallen onto the berm/small branch is hanging and ready to fall
- overhanging the footpath or road
- tree:
- looks as if it is going to fall
- is obstructing vision/poses a safety concern when driving
- fallen onto footpath
- roots are damaging sewer line/water pipes
- rural zone trees requiring trimming/removing/attending to.
Leaf fall and road sweeping
All residential streets are swept four times each year, with the exception of some arterial streets, which are swept monthly. Council does not do additional sweeps.
Contact us if leaves are causing flooding or blocking sumps.
Related links