17 Feb: Ōtaki water: water in Ōtaki may appear cloudy or bubbly. This is due to air entering the water supply on Wednesday. Water is fine to drink and use as normal, and will settle down soon. There is NO boil water notice in place.

Kāpiti residents enjoy a summer free of water restrictions

18 Jan 2024, 11:49 AM

While parts of the Wellington Region are facing water woes, Kāpiti Coast residents are enjoying a water-restriction-free summer thanks to sound investment in the district’s water infrastructure and water metering.

Kāpiti Coast District Council Infrastructure Services Group Manager Sean Mallon says Council supplies safe drinking water to approximately 20,000 connections for household and commercial use, so it is critical that we actively monitor and identify leaks, and continue to invest in maintenance and renewals and projects to increase the resilience of our water supply network.

“The introduction of water meters in 2014, coupled with the Waikanae River Recharge scheme and ongoing investment in the district’s water supply network means we have enough water to manage long dry conditions.

“That being said, we continue to encourage people to use water wisely and to have an emergency water supply on hand should a natural hazard/disaster disrupt our systems. We recommend households have an emergency supply of at least 20 litres of water per person, per day for seven days (140L per person).”

Mr Mallon said Council is continuing to work with Kāpiti Coast communities to ensure people in the district have reliable access to clean water, now and in the future.

“Current projects to increase the safety and resilience of the district’s water supply network include the construction of a new water reservoir in Ōtaki and a $22 million upgrade of the Waikanae Water Treatment Plant to increase its earthquake resilience and replace aging equipment.”

“Work is also underway to renew a number of aging pipes across the district and complete upgrades of existing bores.”

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