Housing for older persons
We have 118 units in 10 locations throughout Kāpiti, which we rent to older people who qualify.
Who's eligible
To qualify you must be able to demonstrate that you have a housing need. You must receive a Government superannuation pension and have limited financial assets (bank accounts, investments, shares, property and the like).
We're carrying out a review of older persons' housing across Kāpiti. See Review of older persons' housing for details.
Although assets of a financial nature are restricted, material possessions, such as a car or furniture or appliances, are not taken into account.
There is no residential qualification, although preference may be given to Kāpiti Coast residents or those with family members living on the Coast. Applications are accepted from anywhere in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Rental charges vary according to age, type and size of dwelling.
All costs associated with the maintenance and administration of the units are included in the rental. This includes interior and exterior painting and decoration, lawns, plumbing, electrical work.
A regular programme of visiting Council tenants to discuss health and welfare concerns are very much a part of our service. We care about you and your needs.
- See the Council Housing fee schedule.
- Read more about Rental housing for older persons in Kāpiti [PDF 4.78 MB].
How to apply
Contact our Housing and Property Advisor on 0800 486 486 to enquire or make an appointment. Our friendly team is experienced in helping with accommodation needs.