Purchase a plot
You can apply to buy a plot for burial or ash interment. We're not able to offer plot reservations. Contact our Sexton if you would like to discuss your requirements further.
Types of plot
Plot guidelines are standard across all public cemeteries in the district. There are currently six plot options available:
- Monumental plaque: Traditional burial with an upright headstone.
- Lawn plaque: Burial with a standard angles plaque.
- Monumental ashes: Ashes burial with a small upright headstone (up to four ashes).
- Ashes garden: Ashes burial in a formal garden with standard sized plaque (up to two ashes).
- Ashes beam: Ashes burial with a standard flat plaque (up to two ashes).
- Natural burial: Ecological burial with native tree planted over plot.
All cemeteries have a separate Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association (RSA) section containing both burial and ashes sections; however, the RSA section at Paraparaumu Beach is now full.

Ōtaki Cemetery
Plots are booked by size (single or double) and by the type of memorial plaque (monumental, lawn). Natural burials are single plots.
Garden and monumental plots available. Cremation plots can have two or more interments of ashes, but are limited by the size of the memorial plaque. You can inter in an existing family plot.

Waikanae Cemetery
Plots are booked by size (single or double) and by the type of memorial plaque (monumental, lawn).
Garden and monumental plots available. Cremation plots can have two or more interments of ashes, but are limited by the size of the memorial plaque. You can inter in an existing family plot.

Awa Tapu Cemetery
Plots are booked by size (single or double) and by the type of memorial plaque (monumental, lawn).
Garden and monumental plots available. Cremation plots can have two or more interments of ashes, but are limited by the size of the memorial plaque. You can inter in an existing family plot.

Paraparaumu Beach Cemetery
Only second interment burials are available in existing family plots.
Beam plots available. Cremation plots can have up to two interments of ashes, but are limited by the size of the memorial plaque. You can inter in an existing family plot.
Burial plots may be single or double depth; the interment fees are the same. See our Districtwide cemetery charges.
Apply to buy a plot
When you buy a plot from Council, you receive an Exclusive Right of Burial.
In most cases a funeral director will be able to handle all arrangements with Council for you.
If you would like to organise an interment yourself:
- Contact our Sexton, who'll help you with the process.
- Complete the Cemetery interment booking form.
Note: All documentation must be with Council at least 24 hours before the service. For assistance, please read our cemeteries online user guide [PDF 559 KB].