Climate action: taking positive steps for a better future
11 Sep 2024, 2:21 PM
Want to be help fight climate change, but don’t know where to start?
Kei a koe te kaha Kāpiti: you’ve got what it takes!
We all face challenges to making change, but every small action helps. We've outlined some great ways to take climate action where you can.
Connect and learn
Talk about climate change with friends, whānau, and workmates.
- improve your wellbeing
- save money
- reduce your carbon footprint
- learn more and connect with others
- help push for big changes towards low-carbon living.
What changes can you each make, on your own, and together?
Learn about actions and solutions, and share these with each other, including the importance of mātauranga Māori.
Understand and reduce your carbon footprint – check out FutureFit.

Find out more about climate change solutions on two great websites – Take the Jump | Kia Māia te Peke and Gen Less.
Think about supporting planet-friendly investments. For example, you could choose a KiwiSaver provider committed to climate action – see the Mindful Money website to find out more.
Reduce consumption
The first question to ask yourself before buying something is, “Do I really need that?”
You could also follow the 5 Rs: refuse, reduce, reuse, repair, recycle. Buy secondhand, or trade or share with friends and whānau.
Sometimes you really do need to buy something new. When you do, choose local, sustainable, durable, and energy-efficient products that can be repaired, and have replaceable parts.
Check out the Rubbish and recycling section of our website for local waste reduction options.
Use energy efficiently
Insulate your home and workplace, install curtains, block draughts. Check out our Healthy home kit to help you figure out where you need to focus!
Choose energy efficient appliances, and switch to electric heating, hot water, and cooking – electricity is cheaper, and more than 80 percent renewable!
Save energy by turning off lights and appliances when you’re not using them.
Rooftop solar is a cost-effective energy option for many homes; low-interest green loans can help with the cost of installing them. Check out Rewiring Aotearoa for more information.
Buy locally made food to cut down on ‘food miles’. Look for ways to add more plant-based foods to your diet.
Reduce your food waste; buy and cook only what you need, use up leftovers, and learn how to compost. This will often help save money, too!
Minimise packaging – buy in bulk when you can.
Best of all, start your own veggie garden – you can start small with just a few herbs. Getting outside and enjoying the sunshine is just fun, too.
Getting around

Use zero or low-carbon transport where you can. Use active transport – walk, run, bike, scoot, or skate. Find local bike and walking maps on our website.
Public transport’s another great option – catch a bus or train. You can find out more at Public and community transport.
Share transport with friends, whānau and workmates; carpool or ride-share. Use fuel-efficient, hybrid, or electric vehicles where you can.
Use your political voice – get involved in issues and decisions that matter to you. There’s lots of ways you can do this, but an important one is to make sure you vote in local and national elections.
You can also write letters and contact your political representatives – for local government, see Our Council elected members, and for central government you can find contact details for your representatives at MPs and electorates.
Sign or start petitions! The our Action Station website has information about how you can do this.
Support Indigenous-led climate action, and learn about local iwi aspirations.
Live well locally
Get involved in your community – support local events and initiatives.
Things like getting involved with local conservation and environmental groups are especially important, and rewarding.
Explore our great local tracks, trails, beaches, and rivers on the Kāpiti Coast.

Get prepared
Plan for severe weather and natural disasters to keep your whānau and community safe. Connect with your neighbours, talk with them about what you’ll do in an emergency, and check in on each other.
Find more info and a calendar of emergency preparedness training in Kāpiti at Get prepared.
Be kind!

Appreciate and celebrate yourself and others for your efforts – every action, big or small, helps us move towards a better future.
Together we can face climate change with positivity, kindness and compassion.
Learn what Council is doing about Climate change.
We are all guardians of the natural world, working together for our children