- Dog and animal management
- Cemeteries
- Fees and charges
- Rubbish and recycling
- Roads, transport and parking
- Business licences and permits
Water supply
- Restrictions and boil water notices
- Your connection
- Problems with your supply
- Where it comes from
- Treatment
- Daily water consumption and sources
- Water conservation
- Metering
- Leaks
- Water education
Water projects
- Waikanae treatment plant upgrade
- Ōtaki reservoirs
- Hautere water treatment plant upgrade
- Water supply project
- Completed – Water meter project
- Completed – Charging Regime Advisory Group
- Stormwater
- Wastewater
- Local water done well
Water supply
- Noise control
- Grants and funding
- Council facilities for hire
- Council properties
Waikanae River Recharge Consent Application
The documents listed below were lodged with Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) as part of the consent application for the Waikanae River Recharge scheme. All document are in PDF and available for download or print from the links below:
Volume 1: Summary Report [PDF 531 KB] (14 pages, 530Kb)
- Location Plan (1 page, 463Kb)
- Staging Plan (1 page, 389Kb)
- Concept Drawing Discharge Works (1 page, 230Kb)
- Scenario 4
Drawdown Holocene Sand [PDF 322 KB] (1 page, 321Kb)
Drawdown Parata Aquifer [PDF 303 KB] (1 page, 302Kb)
Drawdown Pleistocene Sand [PDF 304 KB] (1 page, 304Kb)
Drawdown Waimea Aquifer [PDF 303 KB] (1 page, 302Kb) - Prediction Drawdown Effects on Identified Existing Wells (1 page, 507Kb)
Volume 2: Assessment of Environmental Effects [PDF 1.77 MB] (85 pages, 1Mb)
- Appendix 1:
1. Location Plan [PDF 644 KB] (1 page, 643Kb)
2. Staging Plan [PDF 390 KB] (1 page, 389Kb)
3. Waikanae Borefield overall plan set [PDF 529 KB] (1 page, 528Kb)
3a. Waikanae Borefield overall plan set [PDF 418 KB] (1 page, 418Kb)
3b. Waikanae Borefield overall plan set [PDF 592 KB] (1 page, 592Kb)
3c. Waikanae Borefield overall plan set [PDF 548 KB] (1 page, 548Kb)
3d. Waikanae Borefield overall plan set [PDF 421 KB] (1 page, 421Kb) - Appendix 2: Consent Certificates
WGN020106 [21578] [PDF 110 KB] (4 pages, 110Kb)
WGN050024 [23848] [PDF 56 KB] (5 pages, 56Kb)
WGN050024 [23850] [PDF 44 KB] (3 pages, 44Kb)
WGN050025 [23852] [PDF 49 KB] (4 pages, 49Kb)
WGN050025 [25865] [PDF 52 KB] (4 pages, 51Kb) - Appendix 3: Full Statutory Assessment (19 pages, 657Kb)
- Appendix 4: Proposed Conditions of Consent (17 pages, 423Kb)
- Appendix 5:
Monitoring Manual Waikanae Borefield URS 31 March 2010 [PDF 3.58 MB] (61 pages, 3Mb)
Ecological Monitoring Plan Waikanae River Opus June 2006 [PDF 466 KB] (15 pages, 465Kb) - Appendix 6: Groundwater Quality Report (12 pages, 607Kb)
Volume 3: Technical Reports
- Demand Modelling Report (35 pages, 888Kb)
- Surface Water Modelling Report (25 pages, 2Mb)
- Aquifer Testing and Groundwater Modelling Report (209 pages, 22Mb)
- NIWA Reports
Volumes 3-4a:
Ecological Effects of Waikanae Water Treatment Plant Abstraction [PDF 700 KB] (32 pages, 700Kb)
Addendum to Ecological Effects of Waikanae Water Treatment Plant Abstraction [PDF 232 KB] (12 pages, 232Kb)
Volumes 3-4b: Effect of Groundwater Inputs on Benthic Algal Biomass and Sp [PDF 1.79 MB] (32 pages, 1Mb)
Volumes 3-4c: Effect of Groundwater Inputs on Benthic Algal Biomass and Sp [PDF 1.79 MB] (32 pages, 1Mb) - Ecological Impact on Wetlands Report (38 pages, 967Kb)
- Cultural Impact Assessment Report (100 pages, 1Mb)
Volume 4:
- Preliminary Status Report (75 pages, 9Mb)
- Kapiti Option Selection Report (144 pages, 4Mb)
- Ranked Options Technical Report (231 pages, 4Mb)