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Hearing documents
This page includes documents provided by Council and submitters for the hearing on Proposed Plan Change 2 (PC2).
Hearing schedule | Notice of hearing | Council planning evidence | Council expert evidence | Council legal submission | Submitter expert evidence| Supplementary statements | Submitter legal submissions | Submitter statements | Memoranda of Counsel | Withdrawal of Submission | Additional documents | Council reply
Hearing schedule
See our Hearing schedule [PDF 225 KB]. This includes links to YouTube videos of each session of the hearing.
Notice of hearing
Notice of hearing [PDF 145 KB] 3 March 2022
Council planning evidence
- Council Officers’ Planning Evidence [PDF 8 MB]
- Appendix A: Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI) PC(R1) Council Officer Recommendations Version [PDF 34.78 MB]
- Appendix B: Recommendations tables organised by topic [PDF 2.56 MB]
- Appendix C: Recommendations tables organised by primary submission number [PDF 2.58 MB]
- Appendix D: Legal advice on scope of submissions for PC2 [PDF 628 KB]
- Appendix E: Analysis of Proposed Change 1 to the Wellington Regional Policy Statement [PDF 340 KB]
- Appendix F: Maps showing submissions that request rezoning [PDF 5.11 MB]
- Appendix G: 2022 Population forecast for the Kāpiti Coast District by SA2 [PDF 262 KB]
The Section 32 Evaluation Report for PC2 is referred to throughout the Council’s planning evidence.
Council expert evidence
Council legal submission
- Council legal submissions [PDF 2.04 MB]
Submitter expert evidence
- S023 and S023.FS.1 RP Mansell, AJ Mansell and MR Mansell Cam Wylie Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 15.18 MB]
- S023 and S023.FS.1 RP Mansell, AJ Mansell and MR Mansell Chris Hansen Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 17.35 MB]
- S023 and S023.FS.1 RP Mansell, AJ Mansell and MR Mansell Craig Martell Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 6.63 MB]
- S023 and S023.FS.1 RP Mansell, AJ Mansell and MR Mansell Dave Compton Moen Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 4.3 MB]
- S023 and S023.FS.1 RP Mansell, AJ Mansell and MR Mansell Derek Foy Statement of Evidence 15.03.2023 [PDF 1.42 MB]
- S023 and S023.FS.1 RP Mansell, AJ Mansell and MR Mansell Harriet Fraser Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 511 KB]
- S023 and S023.FS.1 RP Mansell, AJ Mansell and MR Mansell Nick Goldwater Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 7.41 MB]
- S043, S052, S091 and S093 Cuttriss Consultants Ltd Elliot Thornton Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 22.51 MB]
- S076 Transpower NZ Ltd Ainsley McLeod Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 288 KB]
- S076 Transpower NZ Ltd Trudi Lee Burney Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 1.29 MB]
- S087 Waikanae East Landowners Frank Boffa Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 3.26 MB]
- S087 Waikanae East Landowners Anna Carter Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 13.06 MB]
- S087 Waikanae East Landowners Harriet Fraser Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 563 KB]
- S094 and S094.FS.1 KiwiRail Cath Heppelthwaite Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 529 KB]
- S094 and S094.FS.1 KiwiRail Mike Brown Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 133 KB]
- S094 and S094.FS.1 KiwiRail Stephen Chiles Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 237 KB]
- S104 Waikanae Land Company Maurice Rowe Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 26.4 MB]
- S104 Waikanae Land Company Paul Thomas Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 1.17 MB]
- S104 Waikanae Land Company Russell Gibb Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 7.31 MB]
- S111 Ara Poutama Dept of Corrections Sam Gifford Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 193 KB]
- S114 Z Energy Ltd, BP Oil NZ Ltd and Mobil Oil NZ Ltd Jarrod Dixon Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 1005 KB]
- S122 and S122.FS.1 Kainga Ora Karen Williams Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 1.27 MB]
- S122 and S122.FS.1 Kainga Ora Michael Cullen Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 298 KB]
- S122 and S122.FS.1 Kainga Ora Nick Rae Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 14.56 MB]
- S122 and S122.FS.1 Kainga Ora Statement of Evidence Gurv Singh Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 267 KB]
- S196 and S197 Retirement Villages Association and Ryman Healthcare Ltd Dr Phil Mitchell Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 409 KB]
- S196 and S197 Retirement Villages Association and Ryman Healthcare Ltd Gregory Akehurst Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 242 KB]
- S196 and S197 Retirement Villages Association and Ryman Healthcare Ltd Prof. Ngaire Kerse Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 666 KB]
- S196 Retirement Villages Association Maggie Owens Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 270 KB]
- S197 Ryman Healthcare Ltd Matthew Brown Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 216 KB]
- S205 Classic Developments NZ Ltd Bryce Holmes Statement of Evidence 10.03.2023 [PDF 838 KB]
- S218 Coastal Ratepayers United Sean Rush Statement of Evidence 13.03.2023 [PDF 1.53 MB]
Supplementary statements
- S023 – Mansell – Duncan Cotteriall – Annexures 18-04-2023 [PDF 939 KB]
- S023 – Mansell – Duncan Cotterill – Memo 18-04-2023 [PDF 228 KB]
- S023 – Mansell – Chris Hansen – Memo 18-04-2023 [PDF 309 KB]
- S023 – Mansell – Craig Martell – Memo 18-04-2023 [PDF 429 KB]
- S023 – Mansell – Phernne Tancock – Memo of Counsel 18-04-2023 [PDF 876 KB]
- S023 – Mansell – Chris Hansen – Memo to Commissioners suggesting wording for objectives and policies 20.04.23 [PDF 87 KB]
- S023 – Mansell – Further information 26.04.2023 [PDF 4.38 MB]
- S087 - Waikanae East Landowners - Anna Carter - Supplementary Statement 31-03-2023 [PDF 1.7 MB]
- S094 – KiwiRail – Cath Heppelthwaite – Supplementary Statement 24-03-2023 [PDF 225 KB]
- S094 - KiwiRail - Supplementary Information 30-03-2023 [PDF 766 KB]
- S100 – Ātiawa – PC2 Hearing Ātiawa response to s42A report 28.04.2023 [PDF 524 KB]
- S122 – Kainga Ora – Karen Williams – Updated recommended provisions – 14-04-2023 [PDF 1.03 MB]
- S123 – Stacey Liakhovskaia – further information from NZTA [PDF 116 KB]
- S196 and S197 – Ryman and the RVA – Statement of Nicola Williams [PDF 152 KB]
- S203 – Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki – statement for Council and hearing panel 270223 [PDF 102 KB]
Submitter legal submissions
- S20, S38, S61, S74 – Andrew Hazelton – Legal submissions [PDF 1.17 MB]
- S023 – Mansell – Legal Submissions 24-03-2023 [PDF 471 KB]
- S064 – Philip Milne – Legal submission 15.03.2023 [PDF 210 KB]
- S067 – Manly Flats – Legal submissions 15.03.2023 [PDF 185 KB]
- S094 – KiwiRail – Legal submissions 15.03.2023 [PDF 138 KB]
- S104 - Waikanae Land Company - Legal submissions 31-03-2023 [PDF 3.54 MB]
- S104 - [2023] NZEnvC 056 Waikanae Land Company Limited v Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga[31] [PDF 398 KB]
- S122 Kainga Ora – Legal Submissions 22-03-2023 [PDF 975 KB]
- S196 and S197 – Retirement Villages Association and Ryman Healthcare Ltd – Legal submissions 15.03.2023 [PDF 361 KB]
- S196 and S197 – RVA and Ryman – Nicola Williams – Supplementary Statement 6-04-2023 [PDF 548 KB]
- S218 – Coastal Ratepayers United – Legal submission 17.03.2023 [PDF 458 KB]
Submitter statements
- S023 – Mansell – Statement to the PC2 Hearing Panel. 24-04-2023 [PDF 143 KB]
- S045 – John Le Harivel – Housing intensification Power Point John Le Harivel Architect v2 [PPSX 94 KB]
- S053 – Waka Kotahi – Statement for Tabling [PDF 154 KB]
- S105 – Waikanae Beach Residents Society – Statement 21-03-2023 [PDF 206 KB]
- S112 – Ministry of Education – Tabled Letter [PDF 146 KB]
- S160 and S160.FS.1–3 – Nancy Gomez – Submitter Statement 10.03.2023 [PDF 587 KB]
- S202 and S202.FS.1 – Leith Consulting Ltd – Submitter Statement 10.03.2023 [PDF 745 KB]
- S209 – Vince Erik Osborne – Marie Payne Submitter Statement 10.03.2023 [PDF 8.65 MB]
- S227.FS.1 – John Tocker – Submitter Statement 10.03.2023 [PDF 1.14 MB]
- S67 - Manly Flats - Photos in support of submission [PDF 686 KB]
- S105 and S106 - Waikanae Beach Residents Society and Munro Duignan Trust - Economic impacts extreme events jul04 NZIER [PDF 764 KB]
- S105 and S106 - Waikanae Beach Residents Society and Munro Duignan Trust - Hammond et al [PDF 768 KB]
- S130 - Chris Turver - Statement 21-03-2023 [PDF 117 KB]
- S186 - Ian and Jean Gunn - Statement 23-03-2023 [PDF 638 KB]
- S105 - Waikanae Beach Residents Society - Summary of Oral Submission by Pat Duignan 21-03-2023 [PDF 206 KB]
- S105 - Waikanae Beach Residents Society - Pat Duignan OIA request to the Ministry for the Environment - Ref 507603 OIAD-285 [PDF 94 KB]
- S160 and S160.FS.1-3 – Nancy Gomez – Submitter Presentation [PPTX 4.29 MB]
- S168 - Brian Ranford and Michelle Curtis - Video in support of submission [MOV 10.56 MB] (Note: clicking this link will download the file to your computer for viewing)
- S198 - Helen Ridley - Submitter Statement 31-03-2023 [PDF 97 KB]
- S252.FS.1 - Low Carbon Kapiti - Submitter Statement 29-03-2023 [PDF 512 KB]
Memoranda of Counsel
- S20, S38, S61 and S74 – Andrew Hazelton – Memorandum of Counsel [PDF 136 KB]
- S94 – KiwiRail – Memo of Counsel 20-03-2023 [PDF 214 KB]
- S104 - Waikanae Land Company - Memorandum of Counsel 16-03-2023 [PDF 108 KB]
- S104 – Waikanae Land Company – Memorandum of Counsel 27-03-2023 [PDF 101 KB]
- S196 and S197 – Ryman and the RVA – Memorandum of counsel 27-03-2023 [PDF 138 KB]
- S196 and S197 – Ryman and the RVA – Memorandum of Counsel 28-03-2023 [PDF 138 KB]
- S196 and S197 – Ryman and the RVA – Memorandum of Counsel 6-04-2023 [PDF 135 KB]
Withdrawal of submission
Additional documents
- Ministry for the Environment Departmental Report on the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Bill [PDF 1.73 MB]
- Select Committee Report 2021 - Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Bill [PDF 579 KB]
Council reply
- Council legal reply [PDF 154 KB]
- Council reply Andrew Banks [PDF 3.67 MB]
- Council reply Andrew Banks Appendix A [PDF 49.73 MB]
- Council reply Katie Maxwell [PDF 167 KB]
- Ngā Hapū o Ōtaki supplied Waitangi Tribunal documents [PDF 36.21 MB]
- Woodley Ōtaki Progress Report No2 28 March 2023 [PDF 406 KB]
- Woodley Ōtaki alienation draft report 28 March 2023 [PDF 2.72 MB]
- Woodley Ōtaki alienation final report 9 May 2023 [PDF 5.98 MB]
- PC(R2) Council Officer Reply Version Web-map [PDF 139 KB]
Updated 28 August 2023