Public notice Consultation on proposal to update references in the Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 under Clause 34 2(c) of Schedule 1, Resource Management Act 1991.
Public notices
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- notified resource consents
- alcohol licence applications
- Reserves Act leases and licences.
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Resource consents
When a resource consent is received, the Kāpiti Coast District Council conducts an assessment of its environmental effects. If the environmental effects are more than minor, the resource consent is required to to be publicly notified under sections 95–95G of the Resource Management Act 1991.Publicly notified
Allows any person (other than a trade competitor) to lodge a submission in support and/or opposition, or to indicate a neutral position with respect to an applicationOpen publicly notified resource consents
Closed publicly notified resource consents
Notification of an application for resource consent pursuant to section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Status | Publicly notified |
Location | Applies to an area of land within the Kāpiti Coast District of approximately 101.92 hectares located generally between the northern boundary of the Kāpiti Coast District immediately to the east of existing State Highway 1 (SH1) and the northern extent of the Peka Peka to Ōtaki Expressway (PP2Ō) near Taylors Road on SH1. The notice of requirement applies to an area of land within the Horowhenua District of approximately 516.517 hectares located generally between Heatherlea East Road and the boundary of the Kāpiti Coast District to the east of existing State Highway 1 (SH1 - Part of the Horowhenua District). |
Resource consent reference number |
RM220254 - Kāpiti Coast District Council |
Name of applicant | Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency |
Applicant's address for service | Ōtaki to North of Levin Project (O2NL) Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency PO Box 5084 Wellington 6140 Attn: Caitlin Kelly Via email: [email protected] |
Type of consent sought | Notices of requirement and Resource Consent applications |
Description of proposal
The Project includes notices of requirement by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) for designations of land to the Horowhenua District Council (HDC) and the Kāpiti Coast District Council (KCDC) and is applying for the necessary resource consents from KCDC, HDC, Manawatū–Whanganui Regional Council (“Horizons”) and Greater Wellington Regional Council (“GWRC”) for the Ōtaki to north of Levin highway Project (“Ō2NL Project” or “Project”).
The matters consist of:
• Applications for resource consents to both Horizons Regional Council (APP-2021203231.00) and Greater Wellington Regional Council (WGN230122) and for the activities associated with the Ō2NL Project to construct, operate and maintain a State Highway and shared use pathway; and
• Notices of requirement by Waka Kotahi to both Horowhenua District Council (504/2022/22) and Kapiti Coast District Council (RM220254) for new designations to construct, operate, maintain and improve a State Highway and for a shared use pathway.
The application can be viewed during normal business hours at Kāpiti Coast District Council Office, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Friend of submitter
David Forrest has been jointly appointed by the Councils and is an independent planner who is available to help you navigate the information and answer questions about the submission process, any hearing process and procedures. While David will not tell advice you of the merits of your submission, David is there to assist you with the preparation and lodgement of your submission. This is a free service available to you if you wish.
David can be contacted via email or phone and is happy to meet in person by appointment. If you wish to utilise this service please contact David Forest - [email protected] or 021 2477 336
A copy of the full application and accompanying information (including an assessment of effects) may be viewed online at Horizons Regional Council or Waka Kotahi.
You can request an electronic copy of the application from Manawatū–Whanganui Regional Council by emailing [email protected] or alternatively you can view hard copies of the applications at any of the Councils Offices and libraries during opening hours.
If you wish to make a submission a submission form is available from on the Horizons website. Submissions on the Resource Consent Applications and Notice of Requirement must be received by the Horizons Regional Council on or before 4:45pm Tuesday 28 February 2023.
Submissions must be made in writing and may be sent via email to [email protected], or hardcopy to the addresses below.
The submission must include:
- Details of the application in respect of which you are making the submission.
- Your name, postal address, telephone number, and email address.
- Whether your submission is in support, neutral or oppose the application or specific parts of it and the reason for your views.
- Whether you wish to be heard in respect of the submission.
- The decision you wish the consent authority to make, including the general nature of any conditions sought.
- Be dated and signed by the person making the submission unless you make your submission by electronic means.
- In addition to serving a copy on Manawatū–Whanganui Regional Council, a copy of your submission must be served on the Applicant at the address below:
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
PO Box 5084
Wellington 6140
Attn: Caitlin Kelly
Via email: [email protected]
Council Address for Service:
Horizons Regional Council,P
Private Bag 11025,
Manawatū Mail Centre,
Palmerston North, 4442.
via email: [email protected]
Notification of an application for resource consent pursuant to section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Status | Publicly notified |
Location | 48 and 58 Tieko Street, and 131, 139 and 147 Otaihanga Road, Otaihanga, Paraparaumu The application site is legally described as Lots 1 &3 DP 303764, Lot 6 DP 53191 and Lots 2, 3 & 4 DP 84524 |
Resource consent reference number |
RM210147 |
Name of applicant | M R Mansell, R P Mansell and A J Mansell |
Applicant's address for service | C/- Chris Hansen 220 Ross Road RD 7 Whakamarama 3179 |
Type of consent sought | Subdivision and land use |
Description of proposal
The applicant proposes to undertake earthworks that do not meet the permitted activity standards for a 49-lot rural residential subdivision that do not comply with the standards relating to the construction of a new road, reserves to vest with Council and land use consent for a reduction in yard setbacks and modification of indigenous vegetation and the surrender of easements.
The full copy of the application and submissions forms can be found below.
Please contact the resource consents team at [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this application.
The application can be viewed during normal business hours at Kāpiti Coast District Council Office, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
- RM210147 Record Of Title For Lot 3 DP84524 48 Tieko Street, Paraparaumu [PDF 510 KB]
- RM210147 Application 48 & 58 Tieko Street; 131, 139 & 147 Otaihanga Road, Paraparaumu (Part E) [PDF 1.85 MB]
- RM210147 Application 48 & 58 Tieko Street; 131, 139 & 147 Otaihanga Road, Paraparaumu (Part D) [PDF 33.1 MB]
- RM210147 Public Notice Otaihanga Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 146 KB]
- RM210147 Plan Received 12 October 2021 Tieko Street And Otaihanga Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 1.26 MB]
- RM210147 Application 48 & 58 Tieko Street; 131, 139 & 147 Otaihanga Road, Paraparaumu (Part C) [PDF 12.17 MB]
- RM210147 Application 48 & 58 Tieko Street; 131, 139 & 147 Otaihanga Road, Paraparaumu (Part B) [PDF 26.91 MB]
- RM210147 FIR Response Received 5 October 2021 48 Tieko Street, Otaihanga [PDF 187 KB]
- RM210147 FIR Response Received 17 Sept 2021 Otaihanga Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 455 KB]
- RM210147 Application 48 & 58 Tieko Street; 131, 139 & 147 Otaihanga Road, Paraparaumu (Part A) [PDF 28.48 MB]
- RM210147 AKW Memo Tieko Street And Otaihanga Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 56 KB]
- RM210147 FIR Response Received 15 Sept 2021 48 Teiko Street, Otaihanga (Part B) [PDF 3.33 MB]
- RM210147 FIR Response Received 15 Sept 2021 48 Teiko Street, Otaihanga (Part A) [PDF 36.96 MB]
- RM210147 Response From Ātiawa Ki Whakarongotai Charitable Trust Tieko And Otaihanga, Paraparaumu
- RM210147 S95 Notification Report 48 Tieko Street Otaihanga [PDF 5.21 MB]
- RM210147 Signed Further Information Request Tieko Street And Otaihanga Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 253 KB]
- RM210147 Submission Form Tieko Street And Otaihanga Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 174 KB]
- RT 842068 Sec 25 SO 505428 [PDF 91 KB]
- RM210147 Submission From Brent And Leanne Morris [PDF 451 KB]
- RM210147 Submission From Gareth Turner [PDF 3.39 MB]
- RM210147 Submission From Gerard Earl [PDF 723 KB]
- RM210147 Submission From Keene And Rice [PDF 282 KB]
- RM210147 Submission From Matt And Marie Andrews [PDF 452 KB]
- RM210147 Submission From NZ Custodial Trustees [PDF 539 KB]
- RM210147 Submission From Sheryn Mcmurray Tieko Street And Otaihanga Road, Otaihanga [PDF 1.14 MB]
- RM210147 Submission From Suttons [PDF 1.67 MB]
- RM210147 Submission From Tilsey [PDF 1.13 MB]
- RM210147 Submission From Tonks And Neumayr [PDF 108 KB]
- RM210147 Submission From Travis Palmer [PDF 555 KB]
- RM210147 Submission From Waka Kotahi [PDF 477 KB]
- RM210147 Submission From Brian And Stephanie Middleton Tieko Street And Otaihanga Road, Otaihanga [PDF 3.12 MB]
Further information
Council requested pursuant to section 92(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 a review of the geotechnical and landscape and visual assessments provided with the application. A copy of this request and the peer reviews are below.
- RM210147 - Signed s.92-2 peer review letter - Otaihanga Road and Tieko Street, Paraparaumu [PDF 164 KB]
- RM210147 - LVA Peer Review Assessment - Otaihanga Road, Otaihanga [PDF 1.14 MB]
- RM210147 - Geotech Peer Reviewed Report - Tieko Street and Otaihanga Road [PDF 2.37 MB]
Following the close of submissions and receipt of the requested reviews, Council determined that further information was required for the processing of this application.
A copy of the post notification further information request is below.
- RM210147 - Signed Post Notification Further Information Request - Tieko Street and Otaihanga Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 448 KB]
The following information has now been supplied by the applicant's agent in response to Council's request:
- RM210147 - FINAL Combined FIR Response Received 13 April 2022 - Tieko Street, Otaihanga [PDF 43.34 MB]
- RM210147 - Revised Scheme Plans Sheets 8-9 13 April 2022 - Otaihanga Road, Otaihanga [PDF 169 KB]
Hearing details
Wednesday 3-4 August 2022. Paraparaumu Library Meeting Room – 9 Iver Trask Way, Paraparaumu.
This hearing was live streamed through the Kāpiti Coast District Council YouTube page and is available for viewing below.
Council's hearing report
Minutes from Commissioners
- RM210147 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 1 – 11 July 2022 [PDF 310 KB]
- RM210147 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 2 – 12 August 2022 [PDF 271 KB]
- RM210147 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 3 – 19 August 2022 [PDF 239 KB]
Evidence from Applicant
- RM210147 - Hansen - RMA Planning Brief [PDF 2.05 MB]
– Planning Evidence Annexure 1 - GWRC Consents [PDF 1.17 MB]
– Planning Evidence Annexure 2 - General Authorisation minus s45 archaeologist [PDF 346 KB] - RM210147 - Compton-Moen - Landscape and Visual Brief [PDF 559 KB]
- RM210147 - Foy - Economics Brief [PDF 566 KB]
- RM210147 - Fraser - Traffic Brief [PDF 378 KB]
- RM210147 - Goldwater - Ecology Brief [PDF 1.42 MB]
- RM210147 - Greenshields - Urban Design CPTED Brief [PDF 210 KB]
- RM210147 - Martell - Brief [PDF 541 KB]
- RM210147 - Taylor - Infrastructure Brief [PDF 14.07 MB]
- RM210147 - Wylie - Geotechnical Brief [PDF 157 KB]
Evidence from Submitters
Hearing Statements
The following statements were presented at the hearing:
- RM210147 – Opening Legal Statements [PDF 1.68 MB]
- RM210147 – Richard Mansell – Statement of Evidence [PDF 276 KB]
- RM210147 – Derek Foy – Addendum to Economic Evidence [PDF 177 KB]
- RM210147 - Nick Goldwater – Summary of Ecological Evidence [PDF 208 KB]
- RM210147 – Chris Greenshields – Summary of Urban Design and CPTED Evidence [PDF 1.17 MB]
- RM210147 – David Compton-Moen – Landscape and Visual Addendum [PDF 394 KB]
- RM210147 – Nicholas Taylor – Lot 19 and 44 Tieko Street Pine Trees [PDF 78 KB]
- RM210147 – Chris Hansen – Statement of Planning Evidence [PDF 2.57 MB]
- RM210147 – Chris Hansen – Summary of Planning Evidence [PDF 650 KB]
- RM210147 – Alice Blackwell – Supplementary Statement of Evidence [PDF 1.18 MB]
- RM210147 – Alan Strawbridge – Statement of Evidence [PDF 1.83 MB]
- RM210147 - MR Statement on evidence 3 August - Tieko Street and Otaihanga Road [PDF 558 KB]
- RM210147 - MR Hearing Statement 4 August 2022 - Mansell [PDF 103 KB]
- RM210147 - Alice Blackwell - Supplementary Statement of Evidence [PDF 1.18 MB]
- RM210147 - Alan Strawbridge - Statement of Evidence [PDF 1.83 MB]
The following documents were provided in response to the minutes issued by the Commissioner:
- Applicant response to Minute 2 [PDF 141 KB]
- Council response to Minutes 2 and 3 [PDF 361 KB]
- Council Response to Minute 2 - Tieko Street and Otaihanga Road Otaihanga [PDF 357 KB]
Additional evidence from the applicant
- RM210147 - Second Supplementary Statement of Planning Evidence [PDF 1.16 MB]
- RM210147 - Shared Path Scheme Plans [PDF 1.71 MB]
- RM210147 - Transport and Roading [PDF 128 KB]
- RM210147 - JWS Developer Agreement [PDF 1.31 MB]
Hearing reconvened
The hearing was reconvened on Wednesday the 7 September at 1pm. The reconvening was live streamed through the Kāpiti Coast District Council YouTube page.
This decision has been appealed and as such the consent has been referred to the Environment Court. If you have any questions in relation to the decision, please contact the resource consents team on 04 296 4700 or at [email protected]
On 02 November 2022, the Commissioners released their decision, granting consent for the proposal. A copy of the decision is available below:
- RM210147 – Decision and Final Approved Plans [PDF 9.89 MB]
- RM210147 – Commissioners Decision Report [PDF 716 KB]
If you have any questions in relation to the decision, please contact the resource consents team on 04 296 4700 or at [email protected]
Notification of an application for resource consent pursuant to section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Status | Publicly notified |
Location | 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu The application site is legally described as LOTS 1 & 2 DP 63027 LOT 3 DP 63992 |
Resource consent reference number |
RM210151 |
Name of applicant | Kapiti Retail Holdings Limited |
Applicant's address for service | C/- Forme Planning Limited PO Box 24463 Royal Oak |
Type of consent sought | Land use |
Description of proposal
The applicant proposes to undertake earthworks that do not comply with the standards relating to the following:
construction of a building to be occupied by a retail activity in the General Industrial Zone,
vehicle movements,
landscaping and
requires consent under the National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health
The application can be viewed during normal business hours at Kāpiti Coast District Council Office, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
- RM210151 Application 160 Kapiti Road Paraparaumu (Part1) [PDF 19.6 MB]
- RM210151 Application 160 Kapiti Road Paraparaumu (Part 2) [PDF 33.38 MB]
- RM210151 Signed Further Information Request Letter 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 178 KB]
- RM210151 Updated Plans Received 5 October 2021 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 660 KB]
- RM210151 92(2) Assessment From Peer Reviewer 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 125 KB]
- RM210151 AKW Memo 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 52 KB]
- RM210151 FIR Response Received 9 August 2021 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 2.89 MB]
- RM210151 Notification Assessment 160 Kapiti Road Paraparaumu [PDF 3.42 MB]
- RM210151 Public Notice 160 Kapiti Road Paraparaumu [PDF 149 KB]
- RM210151 Rd S92 Arborist Response 20.8.21 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 832 KB]
- RM210151 Roading FIR Response Received 12 August 2021 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 328 KB]
- RM210151 Roading FIR Response Received 3 August 2021 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 467 KB]
- RE RM210151 Response To AKW 1690 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 175 KB]
- RM210151 Submission Form For Notification 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 175 KB]
- RM210151 Signed 92 2 Commission A Report Request 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 83 KB]
- Re RM210151 1690 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu (1) [PDF 191 KB]
- 20211110 Modern Merchants Limited Submission(7463373.2) [PDF 126 KB]
- 20211110 Young Supermarkets Limited Submission(7463376.2) [PDF 127 KB]
- RM210151 TKL Submission 10Nov21 [PDF 579 KB]
Further information following submissions
- RM210151 – Email to Agent Point 21 outstanding – 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [EML 13 KB]
- RM210151 – Post Notification FIR Response Rec 9 Dec 2021 – 160 Kapiti Road_ Paraparaumu [PDF 4.62 MB]
- RM210151 – Signed Post Notification Further Information Request Letter – 160 Kapiti Road_ Paraparaumu [PDF 163 KB]
- RM210151 – Roading FIR Response Received 30 Sept 2021 – 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 6.27 MB]
Hearing details
9am, Tuesday 22 March 2022 – Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this hearing was held virtually (online). The hearing was recorded and is available for viewing below.
Council's hearing report
Evidence received from applicant
- 2022-02-24 – Evidence in chief of Tim Kelly [PDF 1.45 MB]
- 2022-03-08 – Evidence in chief of Katherine Marshall [PDF 224 KB]
- 2022-03-08 – Evidence in chief of Richard Knott [PDF 210 KB]
- 2022-03-08 – Evidence in chief of Kurt Gibbons [PDF 507 KB]
- 2022-03-08 – Evidence in chief of Kay Panther Knight [PDF 376 KB]
- 2022-03-08 – Evidence in chief of Glen Bellingham [PDF 288 KB]
- 2022-03-08 – Evidence in chief of Fraser Colegrave [PDF 454 KB]
Evidence from submitters
- RM210151 – Evidence in chief of Andy Carr [PDF 685 KB]
- RM210151 – Evidence Clayton Young on behalf of Young Supermarkets Limited (7737402.2) [PDF 140 KB]
- RM210151 – Evidence Michael Nixon on behalf of Young Supermarkets Limited and Modern Merchants Limited (7737625.2) [PDF 366 KB]
Minutes from Commissioner
- RM210151 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 1 – 18 March 2022 [PDF 122 KB]
- RM210151 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 2 – 24 March 2022 [PDF 170 KB]
- RM210151 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 3 – 28 March 2022 [PDF 120 KB]
- RM210151 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 4 – 5 April 2022 [PDF 130 KB]
- RM210151 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 5 – 5 April 2022 [PDF 114 KB]
- RM210151 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 6 – 3 May 2022 [PDF 162 KB]
- RM210151 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 7 – 6 May 2022 [PDF 193 KB]
- RM210151 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 8 – 18 May 2022 [PDF 171 KB]
- RM210151 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 9 – 24 May 2022
- RM210151 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 10 – 7 June 2022 [PDF 117 KB]
- RM210151 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 11 – 15 June 2022
- RM210151 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 12 – 23 June 2022 [PDF 95 KB]
- RM210151 – Kāpiti Cost District Council – Minute 13 – 29 June 2022 [PDF 92 KB]
- RM210151 – Kāpiti Coast District Council – Minute 14 – 19 July 2022
The following submissions were presented at the hearing:
- Kāpiti Retail Holdings Limited – Opening Legal Submissions [PDF 316 KB]
- Summary – Richard Knott [PDF 121 KB]
- Summary – Kay Panther Knight [PDF 163 KB]
- Summary – Tim Kelly [PDF 129 KB]
- Legal submission – Warwick Goldsmith [PDF 488 KB]
- Legal submission – Stephen Quinn [PDF 170 KB]
The following documents were provided in response to the minutes issued by the Commissioner:
- 2022–04–14 Planning Joint Witness Statement Planning RM210151 [PDF 637 KB]
- 2022–04–29 Transportation Joint Witness Statement RM210151 [PDF 4.21 MB]
- 2022–05–05 Young Supermarkets Ltd and Modern Merchants Ltd - Supplementary Submissions [PDF 162 KB]
- 2022–05–05 Legal Submissions on behalf of TKL [PDF 198 KB]
- 2022–05–05 Kapiti Retail Holdings Limited - Supplementary Submissions in response to Minutes 4 and 6 [PDF 260 KB]
- 2022–05–05 - Conditions of Consent [PDF 183 KB]
- 2022-07-14 - Kapiti Retail Holdings Limited - Closing Legal Submissions
- 2022-07-14 - Appendix 1 - Conditions with Changes Tracked [PDF 169 KB]
- 2022-07-14 - Appendix 2 - Conditions of Consent (Clean Set) [PDF 15.69 MB]
- 20220628 Closing legal submissions on behalf of YSL and MML(76946399.3) [PDF 135 KB]
- Kapiti - Closing Legal Submissions (28-06-22) [DOCX 75 KB]
- RM210151 - Andy Carr Response to Minute 11 on behalf of TKL - 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 217 KB]
On 3 August 2022, the Commissioner released their decision, granting consent for the proposal. A copy of the decision is available at RM210151 – Commissioner decision and final approved plans – 160 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu [PDF 13.91 MB].
This decision has been appealed and as such the consent has been referred to the Environment Court. If you have any questions in relation to the decision, please contact the resource consents team on 04 296 4700 or at [email protected]
Notification of an application for resource consent pursuant to section 95A of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Status | Publicly notified |
Location | Amohia Street, Paraparaumu The application site is legally described as Part Lot 1 DP 77182 & Section 8 SO 38192 |
Resource consent reference number |
RM180138 |
Name of applicant | Gull New Zealand Ltd |
Applicant's address for service | C/- Hayson Knell Consultants PO Box 381 Tauranga 3140 Attn: Tracy Hayson Email: [email protected] |
Type of consent sought | Land use |
Description of proposal
The applicant proposes to establish and operate a 24-hour service station that does not comply with the standards relating to the following:
- signs
- vehicle movements
- transport and access
- earthquake hazards (BIC 3 category building)
- major traffic activity.
The full copy of the application and submissions forms can be found below.
Please contact Yolanda Morgan at [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this application.
The application can be viewed during normal business hours at Kāpiti Coast District Council Office, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
- RM180138 Application For Resource Consent Gull Service Station Amo... [PDF 33.99 MB]
- RM180138 Beca Peer Review Of Transport Assessment Amohia Street, Par... [PDF 416 KB]
- RM180138 Further Information Request Gull Service Station Amohia St... [PDF 1.43 MB]
- RM180138 Further Information Provided Traffic 2 Gull Service Station... [PDF 7.26 MB]
- RM180138 Further Information Provided Transport Assessment Gull Serv... [PDF 8.82 MB]
- RM180138 Notification Report Gull NZ Ltd Amohia Street Paraparaumu... [PDF 1.9 MB]
- RM180138 Public Notice Gull Nz Ltd Amohia Street Paraparaumu [PDF 108 KB]
- RM180138 Updated Plan Set Gull Service Station Amohia Street [PDF 5.57 MB]
- RM190138 Submission From NZTA Appendix 1 Gull NZ Ltd [PDF 343 KB]
- RM190138 Submission From NZTA Gull NZ Ltd [PDF 1.33 MB]
- RM190138 Submission From Coastlands Shopping Town Gull NZ Ltd [PDF 361 KB]
- RM180138 Submission From V Rutledge Gull NZ Ltd [PDF 267 KB]
- RM190138 Submission from KiwiRail Gull NZ Ltd [PDF 151 KB]
- RM190138 Submission From M Cathro Gull NZ Ltd [PDF 583 KB]
- RM180138 Submission Form From KCDC Gull NZ Ltd [PDF 356 KB]
- RM180138 Submission From KCDC Gull NZ Ltd [PDF 482 KB]
- RM180138 Submission From S Lange Gull NZ Ltd [PDF 190 KB]
Hearing details
To be advised.
Limited notification
Notice of the application is served on all persons identified as being adversely affected and allowing only those persons to lodge a submission. However, where affected parties have provided their written approval they are not served notice and cannot lodge a submission.Open limited notification resource consent
Notification of an application for resource consent pursuant to section 95B of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Status | Limited notification |
Location | 160 Mazengarb Road, 6 Niu Sila Way, 12 Niu Sila Way, 14 Niu Sila Way and 16 Niu Sila Way, Paraparaumu |
Resource consent reference number |
RM240112 |
Name of applicant | Sussex Trust |
Applicant's address for service | C/- Cuttriss Consultant Limited PO Box 386 Paraparaumu 5254 Attn: Emma Bean Email: [email protected] |
Type of consent sought | Land use and Subdivision |
Description of proposal
To construct 41 residential units not complying with permitted activity standards for water demand management, fences and walls, number of residential units, height in relation to boundary, yards, building coverage, windows to street, and landscaped area; and undertake earthworks not complying with permitted activity standards for maximum volume and level of ground alteration; and undertake a 56 lot residential subdivision including 41 residential lots, 14 car park lots and a private road/communal area lot; and park heavy trade vehicles on the site during the proposed works.
The application can be viewed during normal business hours at Kāpiti Coast District Council Office, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
- Application Only without appendices [PDF 4.05 MB]
- Appendix A Records Of Title [PDF 1.5 MB]
- Appendix B (Part 1) Architectural Plans [PDF 22.5 MB]
- Appendix B (Part 2) Architectural Plans [PDF 6.11 MB]
- Appendix B (Part 3) Architectural Plans [PDF 3.87 MB]
- Appendix B (Part 4) Architectural Plans [PDF 11.65 MB]
- Appendix B (Part 5) Architectural Plans [PDF 23.35 MB]
- Appendix B (Part 6) Architectural Plans [PDF 8.92 MB]
- Appendix C Landscape Plans [PDF 14.49 MB]
- Appendix D Scheme Plans [PDF 27.93 MB]
- Appendix E Preliminary Management Plan [PDF 13.77 MB]
- Appendix F Engineering Infrastructure Report [PDF 4.61 MB]
- Appendix G Conceptual Stormwater Report [PDF 21.1 MB]
- Appendix H Integrated Transport Assessment [PDF 9.91 MB]
- Appendix I Geotechnical Assessment [PDF 19.8 MB]
- Appendix J KCDC Access Transport Correspondence [PDF 968 KB]
- Appendix K Urban Design Assessment [PDF 21.98 MB]
- RM240112 Further Information Request [PDF 266 KB]
- RM240112 Partial S92 Response [PDF 381 KB]
- RM240112 Engineering Infrastructure Report Rev A [PDF 5.1 MB]
- RM240112 Site Lighting [PDF 623 KB]
- RM240112 Flood Data 29 August 2024 [PDF 1.15 MB]
- RM240112 Torlesse Geotechnical Report Rev C [PDF 10.27 MB]
- RM240112 SCH Rev C [PDF 11.18 MB]
- RM240112 Second Further Information Response 24 September 2024 [PDF 331 KB]
- RM240112 DGSE Landscape and Visual Effects Assessment [PDF 6.43 MB]
- RM240112 S92(2) Commissioning Peer Review [PDF 117 KB]
- 240112 S92(2) Commissioning Peer Review Report Urban Design [PDF 117 KB]
- RM240112 Agreement to peer review plus answers to outstanding info [PDF 377 KB]
- RM240112 S92(2) Letter RE Peer Review Reports 011124 [PDF 156 KB]
- RM240112 Boffa Miskell Landscape And Visual Review [PDF 885 KB]
- RM240112 Boffa Miskell Urban Design Review [PDF 417 KB]
- 23333, 160 Mazengarb Road, Peer Review Response Rev [PDF 817 KB]
- Appendix 1 Addendum To LVIA DGSE 07 11 24 [PDF 129 KB]
- Appendix 2 Urban Design Response to Peer Review Urban Acumen 07 11 24 [PDF 99 KB]
- Appendix 3A (Part 1) Architectural Drawings Rev 05 DGSE [PDF 20.61 MB]
- Appendix 3A (Part 2) Architectural Drawings Rev 05 DGSE [PDF 13.35 MB]
- Appendix 3A (Part 3) Architectural Drawings Rev 05 DGSE [PDF 10.27 MB]
- Appendix 3A (Part 4) Architectural Drawings Rev 05 DGSE [PDF 5.98 MB]
- Appendix 3A (Part 5) Architectural Drawings Rev 05 DGSE [PDF 15.65 MB]
- Appendix 3A (Part 6) Architectural Drawings Rev 05 DGSE [PDF 8.77 MB]
- Appendix 3B Landscape Drawings Rev 03 0 DGSE 07 11 2024 [PDF 13.46 MB]
Closed limited notification resource consents
Notification of an application for resource consent pursuant to section 95B of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Status | Limited notification |
Location | 189 Sims Road, Te Horo |
Resource consent reference number |
RM220265 |
Name of applicant | Far Fetched Ltd |
Applicant's address for service | Far Fetched C/- LandMatters 20 Addington Road, Ōtaki 5581 Attn: Anna Carter |
Type of consent sought | Land use Resource Consent for Co-housing Facility |
Description of proposal
The applicant proposes to construct and operate a co-housing facility (shared group accommodation) on a site containing an existing dwelling in the General Rural Zone and undertake associated earthworks not meeting permitted activity standards, the facility will contain six living modules connected to a separate but communal living and kitchen space and utility space.
It is proposed to undertake earthworks to create a flood free building platform at 189 Sims Road, Te Horo. A new access will also be constructed from Sims Road. The pre-fabricated modules will be constructed on the building platform within the site with associated decks and verandas and necessary infrastructure to support the co-housing. A new on-site wastewater effluent treatment system and disposal field will be constructed; rainwater collection tanks will provide both potable water and a dedicated firefighting water supply. On-site stormwater disposal will be provided for the new development and the new access.
The purpose of the proposed co-housing development is to provide an affordable energy efficient and highly passive housing model in the rural environment.
The application includes two options for the co-housing facility, Option A comprises living spaces connected via fire rated walls and Option B comprises separate living modules connected via decks and open spaces. The applicant is seeking land use consent for one of the two options to be constructed with the final design being decided following marketing and further consultation with potential purchasers. Option A is the preferred option to be constructed on this site.
The co-housing facility will comprise pre-fabricated modules constructed from structurally insulated panels (SIPs) with all the component parts delivered and put together on site. Options A and B are further described below.
Option A – Close Coupled Cluster House:
– Six 44m2 living modules, which are 4m wide by 11m long and includes a lounge space and sink and bench facilities but will not contain a full kitchen;
– One 64m2 communal kitchen, dining and living unit;
– A One utility building that is 24m2;
– Covered walkways and verandas;
– The finished building height will be 5.8m above finished ground level; and
– The overall size of the preferred cluster housing option (option A) will be 328m2.
Option B – Cluster Houses:
– Six 30m2 living units;
– One 64m2 communal kitchen, dining and living unit;
– One utility building; and
– Courtyard deck linking to decks for each unit.
The application can be viewed during normal business hours at Kāpiti Coast District Council Office, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
- RM220265 Further Information Request (Final) [PDF 225 KB]
- Emails Between KCDC And LML Dated 28 February 2023 [PDF 1.25 MB]
- Background Emails [#Land Matters 898] 189 Sims Road, Te Horo RM220265 [PDF 908 KB]
- 230807 189 SIMS ROAD LVA 001 [PDF 9.46 MB]
- RM220265 Updated Plan AUG 2023 [PDF 11.74 MB]
- 898 Response To RFI, Far Fetched 189 Sims Road, Te Horo ( 21 12 22) [PDF 22.76 MB]
- 898 RM220265 Request For Affected Party Approvals [PDF 142 KB]
- RM220265 Application 189 Sims Road, Te Horo [PDF 25.53 MB]
- Submission RM220265 Crdent 2024 05 01 [PDF 4.34 MB]
- A Denny & M Ineson Submission On Application RM220265 (2 May 2024) [PDF 1024 KB]
6 May 2024
Council will commence the preparation of a Hearings Report which provides an planning assessment of the proposal including the input of various experts. This will take into account the submissions made. This report will be circulated to you 15 working days before the hearing, the applicants evidence will be circulated 10 working days before the hearing and submitters who have experts attending will be asked to pre-circulate their evidence 5 working day before the hearing. Noting there is no requirement to have an expert when you are a submitter.
Additionally Council will set down a hearing to present this report and you will be invited to speak to your submission if you wish to. Noting that at this time one of the submitters has requested to be heard.
Notification of an application for resource consent pursuant to section 95B of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Status | Limited notification |
Location | 126–130 Rosetta Road, Raumati |
Resource consent reference number |
RM230036 |
Name of applicant | Lawrence Fay |
Applicant's address for service | C/- Leith Consulting Ltd Level 1, 12 Ihakara Street, Paraparaumu Attn: Justine Baird |
Type of consent sought | Resource Management Submission |
Description of proposal
To undertake a 4 lot fee simple subdivision not complying with minimum lot size, minimum average lot size, shape factor, earthworks exceeding permitted activity standards for maximum volume and maximum level of ground alteration, and the construction of 3 additional dwellings not complying with the permitted activity standards including setbacks, coverage, permeable surfaces, height, stories, height in relation to boundary and outdoor living areas.
The application can be viewed during normal business hours at Kāpiti Coast District Council Office, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
- RM230036 WA Signed For 133A Rosetta Road [PDF 13.86 MB]
- RM230036 WA Signed For 131 Rosetta Road [PDF 5.51 MB]
- Landscape Visual Peer Review 126 130 Rosetta Road Raumati [PDF 881 KB]
- RM230036 Further Information Request [PDF 224 KB]
- RM230036 Application 126 130 Rosetta Road, Raumati [PDF 18.2 MB]
- KAP 0460 Collated S92 Response For 126 130 Rosetta Road Dated 28.09.23 (9 Attachments) [PDF 17.88 MB]
- RM230036 CJH & SF Duncan [PDF 3.17 MB]
- Submission 126 130 Rosetta Road From 134 Rosetta Rd Jason Toomey Louise Pender [PDF 1.72 MB]
- RM230036 Submission Addendum Toomey [PDF 2.79 MB]
Council will commence the preparation of a Hearings Report which provides an planning assessment of the proposal including the input of various experts. This will take into account the submissions made. This report will be circulated to you 15 working days before the hearing, the applicants evidence will be circulated 10 working days before the hearing and submitters who have experts attending will be asked to pre-circulate their evidence 5 working day before the hearing. Noting there is no requirement to have an expert when you are a submitter.
Additionally Council will set down a hearing to present this report and you will be invited to speak to your submission if you wish to. Noting that at this time one of the submitters has requested to be heard.
Notification of an application for resource consent pursuant to section 95B of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Status | Limited notification |
Location | 4 Marine Parade, Paraparaumu Beach The application site is legally described as SEC 2 SO 322370. |
Resource consent reference number |
RM210149 |
Name of applicant | Kāpiti Coast District Council |
Applicant's address for service | C/- Cuttriss Consultant Limited PO Box 386 Paraparaumu 5254 Attn: Emma McLean Email: [email protected] |
Type of consent sought | Land use |
Description of proposal
Land use consent application to enable the construction and operation of new buildings and associated car parking. The activities within the building are primarily to facilitate visitors to Kāpiti Island, with some retail use sought. Earthworks are required to facilitate structures.
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this application.
The application can be viewed during normal business hours at Kāpiti Coast District Council Office, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
- RM210149 Resource Consent Application And Assessment Of Effects For Te Uruhi [PDF 2.54 MB]
- RM210149 Iwi Memo Te Uruhi 2 Marine Parade, Paraparaumu [PDF 49 KB]
- RM210149 Further Information Request From Council Te Uruhi [PDF 283 KB]
- RM210149 Landscape Further Information Required Te Uruhi 26 07 21 [PDF 103 KB]
- RM210149 Landscape Further Information Required 2 Te Uruhi 17 02 22 [PDF 117 KB]
- RM210149 Final Landscape Peer Review Te Uruhi 13 04 2022 [PDF 125 KB]
- RM210149 Applicants Response To Further Information Request By Council Te Uruhi 15 02 2022 [PDF 563 KB]
- RM210149 Te Uruhi Kapiti Traffic Peer Review Report 23 02 2022 [PDF 218 KB]
- RM210149 Information For Transport Review 20 07 2021 [PDF 287 KB]
- RM210149 Council's Final Notification Report Te Uruhi [PDF 342 KB]
- RM210149 Appendices For Resource Consent Application Te Uruhi Appendix 8 [PDF 40.88 MB]
- RM210149 Appendices For Resource Consent Application Te Uruhi Appendices 1 7 [PDF 16.11 MB]
- RM210149 Appendices For Resource Consent Application Te Uruhi Appendix 9 [PDF 11.56 MB]
- RM210149 Appendices For Resource Consent Application Te Uruhi Appendices 10 16 [PDF 19.44 MB]
- RM210149 Submission From Barbara Gary Ashton 1 Manly Street [PDF 170 KB]
- RM210149 Submission From Andrew Leeana Burgess 58 Marine Parade [PDF 1.83 MB]
- RM210149 Submission From Bruce Barnett 3 Marine Parade [PDF 1.4 MB]
- RM210149 Submission From Clare Holden Michael Wilson 55 Marine Parade [PDF 152 KB]
- RM210149 Submission From Fred Davey 3 Golf Road [PDF 153 KB]
- RM210149 Submission From Murray Guy 56 Marine Parade [PDF 2.78 MB]
- RM210149 Submission From Zena Knight 5 Marine Parade [PDF 3.83 MB]
Hearing details
Monday 3 October 2022 – Wednesday 5 October 2022, Council Chambers, Kāpiti Coast District Council – 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
The hearing was live streamed via the Kāpiti Coast District Council Youtube channel and is available for viewing below.
Minutes from Commissioners
- Minute 1 of Independent Hearing Panel [PDF 430 KB]
- Minute 2 of Independent Hearing Panel [PDF 158 KB]
- Minute 3 of Independent Hearing Panel [PDF 108 KB]
- Minute 4 of Independent Hearing Panel [PDF 127 KB]
- Minute 5 of Independent Hearing Panel [PDF 119 KB]
Council’s hearing report
Evidence from applicant
- RM210149 - Memorandum of Counsel for the Applicant [PDF 138 KB]
- RM210149 - Barrett Evidence - Atiawa [PDF 131 KB]
- RM210149 - Cray Evidence - Landscape Visual and Natural Character [PDF 268 KB]
- RM210149 - Hulme-Moir Evidence - Department of Conservation [PDF 120 KB]
- RM210149 - Law Evidence - Project Overview [PDF 285 KB]
- RM210149 - McLean Evidence - Planning and Conditions [PDF 574 KB]
- RM210149 - Solomon Evidence - Ngāti Toa [PDF 146 KB]
- RM210149 - Taylor Evidence - Transport [PDF 173 KB]
- RM210149 - Ward Evidence - Economics and Tourism [PDF 188 KB]
Additional evidence from applicant
- RM210149 - Joint witness statement [PDF 293 KB]
- RM210149 - Memorandum of Counsel on behalf of Applicant [PDF 6.73 MB]
Hearing statements
The following statements were presented at the hearing:
- RM210149 – Applicant - Opening Legal Submissions [PDF 339 KB]
- RM210149 – Murray Guy – Supplementary Submission and Pictures [PDF 8.33 MB]
- RM210149 – Michael Wilson and Clare Holden – Pictures to Support Submission [PDF 4.55 MB]
Submitter Response to Additional Evidence
The following statements were received in response to the Applicants Memorandum of Counsel dated 20 October 2022:
- RM210149 – Memorandum of Michael Wilson and Clare Holden – 07-11-2022 [PDF 140 KB]
- RM210149 – Memorandum of Zena Knight – 07-11-2022 [PDF 465 KB]
- RM210149 – Memorandum of Murray Guy – 08-11-2022 [PDF 79 KB]
- RM210149 – Memorandum of Bruce Barnett – 07-11-2022 [PDF 104 KB]
- RM210149 – Memorandum of Fred Davey – 07-11-2022 [PDF 97 KB]
- RM210149 – Memorandum of Fred Davey – 08-11-2022 [PDF 242 KB]
S42a Officer Response to Additional Evidence
The following statement was received in response to the Applicants Memorandum of Counsel dated 20 October 2022:
Applicant’s Submissions in Reply
The following statements were received on behalf of the Applicant on 18 November 2022:
- RM210149 – Applicants Submissions in Reply [PDF 723 KB]
- RM210149 – Applicants Submission in Reply – Appendix 2 [PDF 8.5 MB]
On 16 December 2022, the Commissioners released their decision, granting consent for the proposal. A copy of the decision is available below:
- RM210149 – Decision and Final Approved Plans [PDF 31.7 MB]
- RM210149 – Commissioners Decision Report [PDF 350 KB]
If you have any questions in relation to the decision, please contact the resource consents team on 04 296 4700 or at [email protected]
Notification of an application for resource consent pursuant to section 95B of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Status | Limited notification |
Location | 240 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu (Lot 1 DP 88870) |
Resource consent reference number |
RM220070 |
Name of applicant | Gresham Trust |
Applicant's address for service | C/- Cuttriss Consultant Limited PO Box 386 Paraparaumu 5254 Attn: Emma McLean Email: [email protected] |
Type of consent sought | Subdivision and Land use |
Description of proposal
Limited Notification of Resource Consent Application from Gresham Trust for a 139 two storey residential unit development in 18 blocks and associated 311 lot subdivision including 170 car parks and associated earthworks at 240 Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu (Lot 1 DP 88870 – 1.8994ha)
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this application.
The application can be viewed during normal business hours at Kāpiti Coast District Council Office, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
- RM220070 Appendices 1 10 [PDF 46.4 MB]
- RM220070 Appendices 11 15 [PDF 23.24 MB]
- 240 Kapiti Road Street Lighting [PDF 2.09 MB]
- FHD882 240 Kapiti Road Water Reuse Rev B [PDF 172 KB]
- T675 240 Kapiti Road Resource Consent RFI's 24 05 2022 [PDF 46.19 MB]
- 22930, S92(1) Response [PDF 232 KB]
- 22930, NPS Parking Letter [PDF 177 KB]
- 22930 Water Tank Reduction Report [PDF 440 KB]
- ENGEO 2022.05.24 240 Kapiti Road Geotechnical RFI Replies [PDF 142 KB]
- 22930 KCDC Plan Revisions [PDF 153 KB]
- 240 Kapiti Road Interface Assessment And Design Revisions FINAL (1) [PDF 33.8 MB]
- RM220070 Proposed Activity & Notification Part I AEE [PDF 4.5 MB]
- RM220070 AEE Part II [PDF 2.81 MB]
- 240 Kapiti Road MWA [PDF 116 KB]
- 22930 SCH1 Rev A [PDF 13.86 MB]
- 220504 240 Kapiti Rd S92 Response Transport [PDF 999 KB]
- DGSE RFI Responses [PDF 92 KB]
- 22930 SCH1 [PDF 13.57 MB]
- Submission Bernadine Bloemgarten 2 Regent [PDF 2.56 MB]
- Submission D And A Gilden 12 Regent Drive [PDF 3.54 MB]
- Submission Dennis And Pam Jackson 4C Cedar Drive [PDF 5.24 MB]
- Submission Malcolm And Pam Ward 2 Halsey Grove [PDF 5.04 MB]
- Submission Margaret Thompson 2C Cedar Drive [PDF 969 KB]
- Submission Merryl Arcus 2D Cedar Drive [PDF 3.22 MB]
- Submission Paul And Leanne Grout 14 Regent Drive [PDF 992 KB]
Hearing details
9.30am, 10–11 November 2022, Paraparaumu Library Meeting Room, 9 Iver Trask Way, Paraparaumu.
Visit our YouTube page to view the recording of the meeting.
Hearing report
- RM220070 s42A Hearings Report 240 Kapiti with Appendices [PDF 9.8 MB]
- RM220070 – Hearing minutes [PDF 765 KB]
Minutes from the commissioner
- Minute 1 of Commissioner - Notice of Hearing - 240 Kapiti Road [PDF 197 KB]
- Minute 2 of Commissioner - Hearing closure - 240 Kapiti Road [PDF 130 KB]
Evidence from the applicant
- RM22930 – Evidence J Whittaker (Traffic) [PDF 520 KB]
- RM22930 – Evidence L White (Urban Design) [PDF 183 KB]
- RM22930 – Evidence N Charters (Geotech) [PDF 167 KB]
- RM22930 – Evidence N Johnstone (Stormwater) [PDF 431 KB]
- RM22930 – Evidence N Todd (Water Re-Use) [PDF 118 KB]
- RM22930 – Evidence of E McLean (Planning) [PDF 680 KB]
- RM22930 – Statement S Sutorius (Applicant) [PDF 168 KB]
- Conditions Table [PDF 296 KB]
- Draft conditions following expert Caucausing [DOCX 53 KB]
Closing submission
- RM220070 – Gresham closing [PDF 142 KB]
- Decision [PDF 874 KB]
- Final approved plans [PDF 36.04 MB]
Notification of an application for resource consent pursuant to section 95B of the Resource Management Act 1991.
Status | Limited notification |
Location | 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu The application site is legally described as Lot 62 DP 23300 |
Resource consent reference number |
RM190125 |
Name of applicant | Housing New Zealand Ltd |
Applicant's address for service | C/- WSP Opus PO Box 12 003 Thorndon Wellington 6144 Attn: Mat Marois Email: [email protected] |
Type of consent sought | Subdivision and Land use |
Description of proposal
The application proposes to undertake a two lot residential subdivision that does not meet the shape factor, minimum and average lot sizes, requires consent for contaminants in soil and land use consent for the construction of two dwellings prior to the certification of the subdivision that do not meet the permitted activity standards for car parking, water demand management and accessory buildings encroaching the require yard setbacks.
Please contact Marnie Rydon at [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this application.
The application can be viewed during normal business hours at Kāpiti Coast District Council Office, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
- RM190125 Applicant Planning Evidence 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu [PDF 745 KB]
- RM190125 Applicants Planning Evidence Appendix A Resource Consent Application 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu [PDF 18.99 MB]
- RM190125 Applicants Planning Evidence Appendix B Pre Hearing Report 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu [PDF 702 KB]
- RM190125 Applicants Planning Evidence Appendix C Further Information Responses 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu [PDF 4.02 MB]
- RM190125 Applicants Planning Evidence Appendix D Revised Rear Unit Plans 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu [PDF 381 KB]
- RM190125 Applicants Planning Evidence Appendix E Landscape Plans 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu [PDF 913 KB]
- RM190125 Applicants Planning Evidence Appendix F Water Tank Restraint Calculations 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu [PDF 3.76 MB]
- RM190125 Applicants Planning Evidence Appendix G Shading Analysis 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu [PDF 10.71 MB]
- RM190125 Applicants Planning Evidence Appendix H Recommended Draft Conditions 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu [PDF 84 KB]
- RM190125 Applicants Planning Evidence Appendix J KCDC Submissions Withdrawal Confirmation 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu [PDF 250 KB]
- RM190125 Applicants Planning Evidence Appendix K Submission 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu [PDF 2.86 MB]
- RM190125 FINAL Updated Services Plan 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu... [PDF 1.35 MB]
- RM190125 FINAL Swept Path Analysis Proposed Lot 1 35 Kaitawa Crescent... [PDF 166 KB]
- RM190125 FINAL Swept Path Analysis Proposed Lot 2 35 Kaitawa Crescent... [PDF 249 KB]
- RM190125 Dwelling Floor Plan Proposed Lot 1 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Parap... [PDF 523 KB]
- RM190125 Dwelling Floor Plan Proposed Lot 2 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Para... [PDF 397 KB]
- RM190125 Further Information Provided 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparau... [PDF 2.72 MB]
- RM190125 Request For Further Information 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Parapa... [PDF 1.42 MB]
- RM190125 Resource Consent Application 35 Kaitawa Street, Paraparaumu... [PDF 18.99 MB]
- RM190125 Signed Notification Report 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu... [PDF 1.69 MB]
- RM190125 Submission Form 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu [DOCX 879 KB]
- RM190125 Dwelling Elevations Proposed Lot 1 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Para... [PDF 285 KB]
- RM190125 Dwelling Elevations Proposed Lot 2 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Para... [PDF 341 KB]
- RM190125 Summary Of Submissions 35 Kaitawa Crescent, Paraparaumu [PDF 332 KB]
- Submission From Mr And Mrs Peterson [PDF 1.56 MB]
- Submission From Paul Marlow [PDF 2.86 MB]
- Submission From Robert Young [PDF 4.84 MB]
Following a review of the submissions received, Council has requested further information on the application outlined in the letter below. The application will remain on hold until this information is provided.
Other documents
Hearing details
To be advised
Alcohol licensing
Sale of alcohol to the public requires the seller to have a licence. An on-licence, off-licence, or club licence is granted initially for one year and then can be renewed every three years. Special licences are granted per event or for a series of events.On licence
An on licence (eg, pub, tavern, hotel, restaurant, cafe, bar, entertainment venue, train, plane) allows the sale or supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises.Public notice of application for On licence, as required under section 101 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Start date | 12 February 2025 |
Closing date | 18 March 2025 23:59 |
Location | 112 Parata St, Waikanae |
Name of applicant | Ryman Healthcare Limited, known as Charles Fleming Retirement Village |
Description of proposal
Ryman Healthcare Limited, 92D Russley Road, Russley, Christchurch 8042, has made application to the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee for a Renewal On licence in respect of the premises at 112 Parata St, Waikanae, known as Charles Fleming Retirement Village.
The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Retirement Village.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:
Monday to Sunday 12 Noon to 10pm.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254 or email [email protected].
No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Related links
Public notice of application for On licence, as required under section 101 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Start date | 30 January 2025 |
Closing date | 06 March 2025 23:59 |
Location | 50 Main Road, Waikanae |
Name of applicant | Starfish Kapiti, known as Prah Ta Pang Restaurant |
Description of proposal
Starfish Kapiti, 8 Shearwater Rise, Paraparaumu 5032, has made application to the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee for a Renewal On licence in respect of the premises at 50 Main Road, Waikanae, known as Prah Ta Pang Restaurant.
The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Restaurant.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:
Monday to Sunday 10.00am to 11.00pm.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254 or email [email protected].
No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Related links
Public notice of application for On licence, as required under section 101 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Start date | 24 January 2025 |
Closing date | 28 February 2025 17:00 |
Location | 4 Ngaio Road, Waikanae |
Name of applicant | Eastern Egret Limited, known as Eastern Egret Restaurant |
Description of proposal
Eastern Egret Limited, 4 Ngaio Road, Waikanae 5036, has made application to the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee for a New On licence in respect of the premises at 4 Ngaio Road, Waikanae, known as Eastern Egret Restaurant.
The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Restaurant.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:
Monday to Sunday 11am to 12 midnight.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254 or email [email protected].
No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Related links
Public notice of application for On licence, as required under section 101 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Start date | 16 January 2025 |
Closing date | 20 February 2025 23:59 |
Location | 34a Raumati Road, Raumati known as Te Raukura Ki Kapiti. |
Name of applicant | Kapiti College School Board, known as Te Raukura Ki Kapiti |
Description of proposal
Kapiti College School Board, PO Box 2003, Raumati Beach, Paraparaumu 5255, has made application to the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee for a Renewal On licence in respect of the premises at 34a Raumati Road, Raumati known as Te Raukura Ki Kapiti., known as Te Raukura Ki Kapiti.
The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Function Centre.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:
Monday to Friday 5pm to 10pm, Saturday to Sunday 12noon to 10pm - Term Dates
Monday to Sunday 12 Noon to 10pm - Outside Term Dates.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254 or email [email protected].
No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Related links
Public notice of application for On licence, as required under section 101 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Start date | 16 January 2025 |
Closing date | 20 February 2025 12:00 |
Location | 21 Birmingham Street, Paraparaumu 5032 |
Name of applicant | Tirau Limited, known as The Bond Store |
Description of proposal
Tirau Limited, 21 Birmingham Street, Paraparaumu 5032, has made application to the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee for a Renewal On licence in respect of the premises at 21 Birmingham Street, Paraparaumu 5032, known as The Bond Store.
The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Distillery.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:
Monday to Sunday 8am to 12 midnight.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254 or email [email protected].
No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Related links
- ON915 Tirau Limited The Bond Store Renew On Lic App 2025 [PDF 1.64 MB]
Public notice of application for On licence, as required under section 101 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Start date | 18 December 2024 |
Closing date | 19 February 2025 17:00 |
Location | 15 Seaview Road, Paraparaumu Beach, Paraparaumu |
Name of applicant | Four Continents Paraparaumu Limited, known as Spice Lounge |
Description of proposal
Four Continents Paraparaumu Limited, 9C York Street, Gonville, Wanganui 4501, has made application to the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee for a New On licence in respect of the premises at 15 Seaview Road, Paraparaumu Beach, Paraparaumu, known as Spice Lounge.
The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Restaurant.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:
Monday to Sunday 11am to 11pm.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254 or email [email protected].
No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Related links
Off licence
An off licence (eg, bottle store, supermarket) allows the sale or supply of alcohol for consumption off the premises.Public notice of application for Off licence, as required under section 101 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Start date | 04 February 2025 |
Closing date | 11 March 2025 23:59 |
Location | Shops 9-11 Kena Kena Shopping Centre, Donovan Road, Paraparaumu |
Name of applicant | Kin Foods Limited, known as Kena Kena Four Square |
Description of proposal
Kin Foods Limited, 4 Donovan Road, Paraparaumu 5032 , has made application to the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee for a Renewal Off licence in respect of the premises at Shops 9-11 Kena Kena Shopping Centre, Donovan Road, Paraparaumu, known as Kena Kena Four Square.
The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Grocery Store.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:
Monday to Sunday 7.00am to 10.00pm.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254 or email [email protected].
No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Related links
Public notice of application for Off licence, as required under section 101 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Start date | 16 January 2025 |
Closing date | 20 February 2025 23:59 |
Location | 69 Waimea Road, Waikanae |
Name of applicant | Sustainably Sauced Wine Limited, known as Sustainably Sauced Wine |
Description of proposal
Sustainably Sauced Wine Limited, 69 Waimea Road, Waikanae 5036, has made application to the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee for a New Off licence in respect of the premises at 69 Waimea Road, Waikanae , known as Sustainably Sauced Wine.
The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Remote Sales.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:
Remote sales at any time
Deliveries made between 6am and 6pm.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254 or email [email protected].
No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Related links
- OFF889 Sustainably Sauced Wine New Off Lic App 2024 [PDF 2.39 MB]
Public notice of application for Off licence, as required under section 101 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Start date | 16 January 2025 |
Closing date | 20 February 2025 23:59 |
Location | 41 School Road, Te Horo |
Name of applicant | World Wines Limited, known as World Wines |
Description of proposal
World Wines Limited, PO Box 16041, Te Horo, Otaki 5544, has made application to the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee for a Renewal Off licence in respect of the premises at 41 School Road, Te Horo, known as World Wines.
The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Remote Sales.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:
Monday to Sunday 8am to 5pm.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254 or email [email protected].
No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Related links
- OFF807 World Wines Renew Off Lic App 2024 Complete [PDF 2.81 MB]
Public notice of application for Off licence, as required under section 101 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Start date | 16 January 2025 |
Closing date | 20 February 2025 23:59 |
Location | 11 Ngaio Road, Waikanae |
Name of applicant | North End Brewery Limited, known as North End Brewery |
Description of proposal
North End Brewery Limited, PO Box 69, Waikanae 5250, has made application to the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee for a Renewal Off licence in respect of the premises at 11 Ngaio Road, Waikanae, known as North End Brewery.
The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Remote Sales.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:
Online sales 24hrs 7 days
Delivery between 6am to 11pm.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254 or email [email protected].
No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Related links
- OFF877 North End Brewery Renew Off Lic App 2025 (1) [PDF 2.75 MB]
Public notice of application for Off licence, as required under section 101 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Start date | 18 December 2024 |
Closing date | 19 February 2025 17:00 |
Location | 284 Rangiuru Road, Otaki 5512 |
Name of applicant | Octopus Inc Limited, known as The Telegraph Hotel (The Tele) |
Description of proposal
Octopus Inc Limited, 284 Rangiuru Road, Otaki 5512, has made application to the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee for a Renewal Off licence in respect of the premises at 284 Rangiuru Road, Otaki 5512, known as The Telegraph Hotel (The Tele).
The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Tavern.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:
Monday to Saturday 10am to 11pm, Sunday - 10am to 10pm.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254 or email [email protected].
No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Related links
Club licence
A club licence (eg, sports club, RSA, working men's club) allows the sale or supply of alcohol for consumption on the club premises to members of the club, their guests and members of other clubs with reciprocal visiting rights.Public notice of application for Club licence, as required under section 101 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Start date | 31 January 2025 |
Closing date | 07 March 2025 11:59 |
Location | McLean Street, Paraparaumu Beach |
Name of applicant | Kapiti Underwater Club Incorporated, known as Kapiti Underwater Club |
Description of proposal
Kapiti Underwater Club Incorporated, 60 Matatua Road, Raumati Beach, Paraparaumu 5032, has made application to the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee for a New Club licence in respect of the premises at McLean Street, Paraparaumu Beach, known as Kapiti Underwater Club.
The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Sports Club.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:
Tuesday to Thursday 3pm to 9.30pm, Friday to Sunday 12 Midday to 11.30pm, Public holidays from 12 Midday to 11.30pm.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254 or email [email protected].
No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Related links
Public notice of application for Club licence, as required under section 101 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Start date | 23 January 2025 |
Closing date | 27 February 2025 17:00 |
Location | 9 Raukawa Street, Otaki |
Name of applicant | Otaki & District Memorial RSA Incorporated, known as Otaki & District Memorial RSA |
Description of proposal
Otaki & District Memorial RSA Incorporated, PO Box 84, Otaki 5542, has made application to the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee for a Renewal Club licence in respect of the premises at 9 Raukawa Street, Otaki, known as Otaki & District Memorial RSA.
The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Social club.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:
Monday to Sunday 8am to 12 midnight Anzac Day 6am to 12 midnight New Years Eve 8am to 1am the following day.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254 or email [email protected].
No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Related links
- CL723 Otaki District Memorial RSA Renew Club Lic App 2025 [PDF 11.94 MB]
Public notice of application for Club licence, as required under section 101 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Start date | 16 January 2025 |
Closing date | 20 February 2025 23:59 |
Location | 28 Anthony Grove, Paraparaumu |
Name of applicant | Kapiti Squash Rackets Club Incorporated, known as Kapiti Squash Club |
Description of proposal
Kapiti Squash Rackets Club Incorporated, 28 Anthony Grove, Paraparaumu, has made application to the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee for a Renewal Club licence in respect of the premises at 28 Anthony Grove, Paraparaumu, known as Kapiti Squash Club.
The general nature of the business to be conducted under the licence is Sports Club.
The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are:
Monday to Friday 11.00am to 11.30pm
Saturday 9am to 12.30am the following day
Sunday 9am to 10pm.
The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Licensing Committee at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Any person who is entitled to object and who wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 25 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254 or email [email protected].
No objection to the issue of a renewal licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Related links
Special licence
(eg, for a food and wine festival, wedding in a council hall etc) allows the sale or supply of alcohol to anyone attending an event, private function, street party, sporting event. Special licences can be either ‘on-site’ for consumption on the premises, or ‘off-site’ for consumption elsewhere.General public notices
Check the local Kāpiti newspapers and the Dominion Post for Kāpiti Coast District Council public notices and tender documents.Open public notices
Pursuant to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, notice is hereby given that the Kāpiti Coast District Council, for the purpose of the Kāpiti Women’s Triathlon, proposes to close the following roads to ordinary vehicular traffic for the periods indicated hereunder.
Roads proposed to be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic from 5am to 1pm approximately, on Sunday 23 February 2025:
Garden Road:
Located between Rosetta Road and Matatua Road
Matatua Road:
Located between Alexander Road and Tui Road West
Alternative provision:
During the proposed periods of closure, the following provision will be made for ordinary vehicular traffic which would otherwise use the roads:
There will be a detour in place around Alexander Road and Tui Road West.
Any person objecting to the proposals is called upon to lodge notice of their objection and grounds thereof in writing, before 5:00pm, on Friday 14 February 2025, at the office of the Council addressed to 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5032 or Private Bag 60 601, Paraparaumu 5254, or by email to [email protected]
Pursuant to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, notice is hereby given that Kāpiti Coast District Council, for the purpose of the Waikanae Community Market, proposes to close the following road to ordinary vehicular traffic for the periods indicated below.
Road proposed to be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic:
Section of Park Avenue, between Ngarara Road and Waikanae Pony Club
Period of proposed closure:
Monday 23 December from Midday to 8:30pm
During the proposed periods of closure, the following provision will be made for ordinary vehicular traffic which would otherwise use the road:
There will be a detour in place around Walton Avenue, on to Te Moana Road.
Any person objecting to the proposals is called upon to lodge notice of their objection and grounds thereof in writing, before 4:00pm, on Monday 25 November 2024, at the office of the Council addressed to the Access and Transport Administration Officer, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5032 or by email to roadclosure - [email protected]
We now invite further submissions on Proposed Plan Change 3 to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan.
About Proposed Plan Change 3 (PC3)
PC3 recognises and provides for Kārewarewa Urupā as a site of significance to Māori. Kārewarewa Urupā is located in the area around Barrett Drive, Te Ropata Place, Marewa Place, and Tamati Place at Waikanae Beach. PC3 proposes to incorporate Kārewarewa Urupā into Schedule 9 of the District Plan (Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori) and amend the District Plan maps to include Kārewarewa Urupā.
PC3 was publicly notified on 18 September 2024, and 10 submissions were received.
How to find the summary of decisions requested, and the submissions
Submissions, and the summary of decisions requested in submissions, are now available online or in hard copy format from the Civic Building at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
RMA requirements for further submissions
This is a summary of the RMA’s requirements for further submissions. See Clauses 7, 8 and 8A of Schedule 1 to the RMA for full details on making further submissions.
The following may make a further submission:
- anyone representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; or
- anyone who has an interest in the proposal greater than the general public has; or
- the local authority itself (for this plan change, the Kāpiti Coast District Council).
A further submission can only express support or opposition to a matter raised in an original submission. It must not raise new points.
A further submission must follow the prescribed form (Form 6 of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003).
A copy of the further submission must also be sent to the original submitter within five working days of providing it to Council.
How to make a further submission
Copies of a Form 6 template [PDF 869 KB] are available online or in hard copy format from the Civic Building at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Further submissions may be emailed to [email protected], while hard copy further submissions may be sent to Kāpiti Coast District Council at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5032.
Deadline for making a further submission
Further submissions must be received by the Kāpiti Coast District Council no later than 5pm on Wednesday 18 December 2024.
If you have questions, please contact the District Planning team on 0800 486 486 or email [email protected].
Darren Edwards, Chief Executive
Kāpiti Coast District Council
The date of this notice is 4 December 2024.
The address for service is the same as those set out above for further submissions.
Under sections 19H and 19J of the Local Electoral Act 2001, Kāpiti Coast District Council has undertaken a review of its representation arrangements for the triennial local authority elections to be held in 2025.
On 30 July 2024, Council resolved its initial proposal regarding the representation arrangements for the Council and its constituent community boards to apply for the local elections to be held on 11 October 2025. On 6 August 2024, Council re-affirmed its decision to establish a Māori ward and formal consultation on the initial proposal was open from 8 August 2024 to 12 September 2024 (5pm) providing an opportunity for submissions.
On 24 September 2024, Kāpiti Coast District Council considered the submissions received on its initial proposal. In total, Council received 442 written and 9 oral submissions on its proposal. The submissions have been analysed and summarised in a report considered by Council on 31 October 2024.
Final Proposal
Having considered all submissions, on 31 October 2024, Kāpiti Coast District Council resolved that the initial proposal be adopted, subject to the following three amendments:
- The proposed name of the Māori ward be amended to Kapiti Coast Māori Ward
- The proposed boundary between the Waikanae and Ōtaki General Wards and Community Boards remains in its current place and is not moved south past Te Hapua Road
- The membership of the Paraparaumu Community Board includes one ward councillor appointed back from either the Paraparaumu General Ward or the Kapiti Coast Māori Ward.
Council considers that the amendments are appropriate for the following reasons:
- Mana whenua submitted that they support the name of the Māori ward if the proposed macron on Kāpiti is removed. Council considered its options and considers it is appropriate for mana whenua to gift a name to the ward which Council has received and accepted.
- Analysis of the submissions received from those residents in the Te Horo area directly affected by the proposed boundary changes highlighted that the majority of the affected residents preferred to retain the status quo rather than move the boundary south to Te Hapua Road. Council considered its options and decided to accept these submissions and not change the boundary lines.
- Councillors discussed the discrepancy between councillor appointments on community boards and considered that making the appointments more equitable and consistent by only appointing once councillor to each community board is appropriate.
This removes the discrepancy between community boards and sees only one councillor of either the Paraparaumu General Ward or the Kapiti Coast Māori Ward appointed to the Paraparaumu Community Board (instead of two).
Council rejected the submissions that disagreed with the Council structure of two at-large (district-wide), seven general ward and one Māori ward councillor as the majority of the submissions disagreed with the proposed structure due of the establishment of the Māori ward. Council affirmed its decision to establish a Māori ward on 6 August 2024 and cannot disestablish the ward. The Māori ward will be in place for the 2025 local body elections and a binding poll will be held with the 2025 local body elections pursuant to the provisions of the amended Local Electoral Act 2001.
Council Representation
It is proposed that the Council comprise 10 councillors elected through a mixed representation model, with eight councillors elected from five wards and two councillors elected at-large (district-wide), plus the mayor. The five wards reflect the following geographical communities:
Ōtaki General Ward
This ward encompasses the Ōtaki, Ōtaki Beach, Hautere, Te Horo (to School Road) and Te Horo Beach (to Te Horo Beach Road) communities and the surrounding Tararua Forest Park.
Waikanae General Ward
This ward encompasses the Peka Peka, Waikanae, Waikanae Beach, Reikorangi, Te Horo (to School Road) and Te Horo Beach (to Te Horo Beach Road) communities.
Paraparaumu General Ward
This ward encompasses the Paraparaumu, Paraparaumu Beach and Nikau Valley communities. There are slight adjustments to the south-eastern boundary with meshblocks numbered 2010100, 4013496, 4013497, 1997802 and 1997902 moving from the Paraparaumu General Ward to the Paekākāriki-Raumati General Ward.
Paekākāriki- Raumati General Ward
This ward encompasses the Paekākāriki and Raumati communities and the surrounding rural area including the communities of Emerald Glen and Valley Road and includes five additional meshblocks numbered 2010100, 4013496, 4013497, 1997802 and 1997902.
Kapiti Coast Māori Ward
The Māori ward boundaries align with the district’s boundaries.
The population that the Māori ward councillor will represent is as follows:
Māori Ward |
Population (2018 census) |
Councillors |
Population per councillor |
Kapiti Coast Māori Ward |
4,930 |
1 |
4,930 |
The number of Māori ward councillors complies with Schedule 1A of the Local Electoral Act 2001. The Māori ward councillor will be elected by all electors enrolled on the Māori Electoral Roll.
The population that each general ward councillor will represent is as follows:
General Ward |
Population (2018 census) |
Councillors |
Population per councillor |
Over/Under representation Percentage |
Ōtaki General Ward |
7,410 |
1 |
7,410 |
-3.16% (overrepresented) |
Waikanae General Ward |
14,950 |
2 |
7,475 |
-2.31% (overrepresented) |
Paraparaumu General Ward |
22,900 |
3 |
7,633 |
-0.24% (overrepresented) |
Paekākāriki- Raumati General Ward |
8,300 |
1 |
8,300 |
8.48% (underrepresented) |
Total |
53,560 |
7 |
7,651 |
In accordance with section 19V(2), Local Electoral Act 2001 the population that each general ward councillor represents must be within the range of 7,651 +/- 10% (6,886 to 8,416), unless community of interest considerations justify otherwise. None of the above wards fall outside the stipulated range and are therefore compliant with the fair representation criteria (+/-10% rule).
In addition to the above, two councillors and the Mayor will be elected at-large (by all electors of the district).
Community Board Representation
Five community boards will be elected. The five community boards will be:
Ōtaki Community Board
This community encompasses the Ōtaki, Ōtaki Beach, Hautere, Te Horo (to School Road) and Te Horo Beach (to Te Horo Beach Road) communities and the surrounding Tararua Forest Park, with the same boundaries as the Ōtaki General Ward.
Waikanae Community Board
This community encompasses the Peka Peka, Waikanae, Waikanae Beach, Reikorangi, Te Horo (to School Road) and Te Horo Beach (to Te Horo Beach Road) communities, with the same
boundaries as the Waikanae General Ward.
Paraparaumu Community Board
This community encompasses the Paraparaumu, Paraparaumu Beach and Nikau Valley communities. There are slight adjustments to the south-eastern boundary with meshblocks numbered 2010100, 4013496, 4013497, 1997802 and 1997902 moving from the Paraparaumu General Ward to the Paekākāriki-Raumati General Ward. The boundaries are the same as the Paraparaumu General Ward except the southern boundary which extends South to Tui Road.
Raumati Community Board
This community encompasses the Raumati, Raumati Beach and Raumati South communities. The boundary in the north at Tui Road and the boundary in the south at Waterfall Road/Queen Elizabeth Park.
Paekākāriki Community Board
This community encompasses Paekākāriki and the surrounding rural area including the communities of Emerald Glen and Valley Road and includes five additional meshblocks numbered 2010100, 4013496, 4013497, 1997802 and 1997902. The boundary in the north at Waterfall Road/Queen Elizabeth Park and the boundary in the south the same as the Paekākāriki- Raumati General Ward.
The Ōtaki, Waikanae, Paraparaumu, Raumati and Paekākāriki Community Boards will each consist of four elected members and one appointed councillor.
Community board |
Number of appointment members |
Ōtaki Community Board |
One appointed member of Council from either the Ōtaki General Ward or the Kapiti Coast Māori Ward |
Waikanae Community Board |
One appointed member of the Council from either the Waikanae General Ward or the Kapiti Coast Māori Ward |
Paraparaumu Community Board |
One appointed member of the Council from either the Paraparaumu General Ward or the Kapiti Coast Māori Ward |
Raumati Community Board |
One appointed member of Council from either the Paekākāriki-Raumati General Ward or the Kapiti Coast Māori Ward |
Paekākāriki Community Board |
One appointed member of Council from either the Paekākāriki-Raumati General Ward or the Kapiti Coast Māori Ward |
Appeals and Objections
Any person or organisation may object to Council’s final proposal. If anyone wishes to lodge an objection, it must identify the matters to which the objection relates to. Complete an objection form.
Objections are to be sent to:
- Attention – Steffi Haefeli, Manager Governance
- Physical address - Council Offices, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
- Postal address – Private Bag 60 601, Paraparaumu 5254
- Email – [email protected]
Objections must be made in writing and must be received by Council no later than 5pm on 6 December 2024. Any objections received will be forwarded to the Local Government Commission for determination.
Further Information
Copies of the full proposal, including Council’s resolution, consultation document and maps setting out the areas of the wards and community boards may be viewed and obtained online from Council’s website and at any Council library or service centre:
- Civic Administration Building, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
- Paraparaumu Library, Iver Trask Place, Paraparaumu
- Waikanae Library and Waikanae Service Centre, Mahara Place, Waikanae
- Ōtaki Library and Service Centre, Main Street, Ōtaki
- Paekākāriki Library, 14 Wellington Road, Paekākāriki (Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30pm to 4:30pm, and Saturdays 10:00am to 2:00pm)
Any queries regarding the Council’s proposal should be directed to [email protected].
Darren Edwards
Chief Executive
1 November 2024
The Kapiti Coast District Council has made a consequential amendment to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 (“the District Plan”) to give effect to the National Planning Standards 2019.
The consequential amendment is to the definition of “retirement unit” in the District Plan, which was introduced to the District Plan as a result of submissions on Plan Change 2. The amendment deletes the (former) second sentence of that definition: “A retirement unit is not a residential unit” from the definition. This amendment is necessary to resolve a conflict with a separately defined term “residential unit”, by enabling that definition to apply to retirement units that otherwise meet the "residential unit" definition, which is a mandatory definition required by the National Planning Standards.
This amendment was effective from 18 October 2024.
Copies of the Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 can be viewed at all Kapiti Coast District Council Libraries and Service Centres during normal opening hours, or can be viewed on the Council’s website at
The amendments have been made under section 58I (2) and (3) of the Resource Management Act 1991. This notice has been published in accordance with section 58I (3)(e).
For further information, please contact the District Planning team by phone on 0800 486 486 or by email at [email protected].
Darren Edwards, Chief Executive
Kāpiti Coast District Council
The date of this notice is 23 October 2024.
At its meeting on 12 September 2024, Kapiti Coast District Council (Council) made decisions to approve Proposed Plan Changes 1D (Reclassification of Arawhata Road, Tutanekai Street, and Ventnor Drive), 1F (Modification of Indigenous Vegetation and Update to Key Indigenous Tree Species List), 1K (Electoral Signage), and 1L (Council Site Rezonings) to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 (District Plan), under clause 17 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).
Proposed Plan Changes 1D, 1F, 1K, and 1L
- Proposed Plan Change 1D reclassifies Arawhata Road and Tutanekai Street as Local Community Connector Roads, and Ventnor Drive as a Neighbourhood Access Route in the District Plan’s Transport Network Hierarchy.
- Proposed Plan Change 1F amends the controlled activity rule (ECO-R6) which manages modification of indigenous vegetation in particular circumstances and amends a list of key indigenous tree species (ECO-Table 1) to specifically recognise coastal kānuka as a species.
- Proposed Plan Change 1K amends the electoral signage rule in the District Plan to align with the Electoral (Advertisements of a Special Kind) Regulations 2005 requirements.
- Proposed Plan Change 1L rezones a number of council-owned sites to better reflect and provide for their community use.
Proposed Plan Changes 1D, 1F, 1K, and 1L will become operative on 1 October 2024.
All information about Proposed Plan Changes 1D, 1F, 1K, and 1L can be viewed at:
- Plan Change 1D:
- Plan Change 1F:
- Plan Change 1K:
- Plan Change 1L :
This notice has been published in accordance with clause 20 of Schedule 1 of the RMA.
For further information, please contact the District Planning team by phone on 0800 486 486 or by email at [email protected].
Darren Edwards, Chief Executive
Kāpiti Coast District Council
The date of this public notice is 18 September 2024.
- Public Notice Pcs 1D 1F 1K And 1L 12 Sep 2024 [PDF 156 KB]
Clause 5 of Schedule 1, Resource Management Act 1991
The Kāpiti Coast District Council (Council) has prepared the following proposed change to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 (District Plan):
Proposed Plan Change 3 (PC3): Kārewarewa Urupā
The purpose of PC3 is to recognise and provide for Kārewarewa urupā as a site of significance to Māori. Kārewarewa urupā is located in the area around Barrett Drive, Te Ropata Place, Marewa Place, and Tamati Place at Waikanae Beach. PC3 proposes to incorporate Kārewarewa urupā into Schedule 9 of the District Plan (Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori) and amend the District Plan maps to include Kārewarewa urupā.
PC3 has immediate legal effect on and from the date of this public notice in accordance with section 86B(3)(d) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).
PC3 can be inspected online at If you have any questions, please contact the District Planning team by phone on 0800 486 486 or by email at [email protected].
The following persons may make a submission on PC3:
- the local authority in its own area may make a submission
- any other person may make a submission but, if the person could gain an advantage in trade competition through the submission, then the person may do so only if the person is directly affected by an effect of the proposal that:
- adversely affects the environment
- does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.
You may make a submission by sending a written submission to Kāpiti Coast District Council at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5032 or by email to [email protected]. The submission must be made using Form 5 of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees and Procedure) Regulations 2003, and must state whether or not you wish to be heard on your submission. Copies of a template form based on Form 5 are available from the Paraparaumu Civic Building at 175 Rimu Road, or can be found online through our website at
Submissions close at 5pm Friday 1 November 2024
The process for public participation in the consideration of PC3 under the RMA is as follows:
- after the closing date for submissions, the Council must prepare a summary of decisions requested by submitters and give public notice of the availability of this summary and where the summary and submissions can be inspected
- there must be an opportunity for the following persons to make a further submission in support of, or in opposition to, the submissions already made:
- any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest
- any person who has an interest in the proposal greater than the general public has
- the local authority itself
- if a person making a submission asks to be heard in support of their submission, a hearing must be held
- the Council must give its decision on the provisions and matters raised in the submissions (including its reasons for accepting or rejecting submissions) and give public notice of its decision within 2 years of notifying the proposal and serve it on every person who made a submission at the same time
- any person who has made a submission has the right to appeal against the decision on the proposal to the Environment Court if:
- in relation to a provision or matter that is the subject of the appeal, the person referred to the provision or matter in the person’s submission on the proposal
- in the case of a proposal that is a proposed policy statement or plan, the appeal does not seek the withdrawal of the proposal as a whole.
Darren Edwards, Chief Executive
Kāpiti Coast District Council
The date of this notice is 18 September 2024.
The address for service is the same as those set out above for submissions.
Pursuant to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, notice is hereby given, that Kāpiti Coast District Council, for the purpose of the Camping Expo and Craft Market, proposes to close part of Railway Service Lane, Ōtaki, to ordinary vehicular traffic, for the periods indicated hereunder.
Road to be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic from:
Friday 1 November 2024, 2:00pm, to Sunday 3 November 2024, 7:00pm
Section of Railway Service Lane, Ōtaki
During the proposed periods of closure, the following provision will be made for ordinary vehicular traffic, which would otherwise use the road:
a sign-posted detour will be in place, from Northbound Main Road (Old SH1), Ōtaki, to Ōtaki Railway Station via Arthur Street, Ōtaki.
Any person objecting to the proposal, is called upon, to lodge notice of their objection, and grounds thereof in writing, by Friday 4 October 2024, at the office, of the Council, addressed to the Access and Transport Administrator, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu, 5032 or Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254, or by email to [email protected]
Kāpiti Coast District Council has funding available to assist organisations and groups that are developing initiatives to respond to Community and Affordable housing challenges in the Kāpiti Coast District.
The Community and Affordable Housing Seed Fund is a one-off fund and has $150,000 available to share between projects.
Eligible social enterprises, community organisations, and groups are invited to respond with project ideas that will contribute to the provision of sustainable community and/or affordable housing solutions in Kāpiti.
Projects and applicants must meet eligibility criteria for their proposal to be considered.
More information about the Community and Affordable Housing Seed Fund, eligibility criteria and application forms are available on the Council’s website at or by contacting the team at [email protected].
Applications close at 11.59pm Sunday 6 October.
Under sections 19H and 19J of the Local Electoral Act 2001, Kāpiti Coast District Council is
undertaking a review of its representation arrangements for the triennial local authority
elections to be held in 2025 (to be held on 11 October).
On 30 July 2024, Kāpiti Coast District Council resolved that the following initial proposal be
Council representation
It is proposed that the Council comprise 10 councillors elected with a mixed representation
model, with eight councillors elected from five wards and two councillors elected district-wide, plus the mayor. The five wards reflect the following geographical communities:
Ward | Geographical communities |
Ōtaki General Ward | This ward encompasses the Ōtaki, Ōtaki Beach, Hautere, Te Horo and Te Horo Beach communities and the surrounding Tararua Forest Park. The southern boundary is further south than the current Ōtaki Ward boundary down to south of Te Hapua Road and includes 15 additional meshblocks numbered 1883901, 1883902, 1884001, 1884002, 1884003, 1884004, 1884006, 1884100, 1884600, 1884701, 884702, 1884802, 4011904, 4018272 and 4018273. |
Waikanae General Ward |
This ward encompasses the Peka Peka, Waikanae, Waikanae Beach, There are slight boundary adjustments to the northern boundary as outlined above with the listed meshblocks moving from the Waikanae Ward to the Ōtaki Ward. |
Paraparaumu General Ward |
This ward encompasses the Paraparaumu, Paraparaumu Beach and Nikau Valley communities. There are slight boundary adjustments to the south-eastern boundary as outlined below with the listed meshblocks moving from the Paraparaumu Ward to the Paekākāriki–Raumati Ward. |
Paekākāriki–Raumati General Ward | This ward encompasses the Paekākāriki and Raumati communities and the surrounding rural area including the communities of Emerald Glen and Valley Road and includes five additional meshblocks numbered 2010100, 4013496, 4013497, 1997802 and 1997902. |
Kāpiti Coast Māori Ward | The Māori ward boundaries align with the district’s boundaries. |
The population that the Māori ward councillor will represent is as follows:
Māori Ward | Population (2018 census) |
Councillors | Population per councillor |
Kāpiti Coast Māori Ward | 4,930 | 1 | 4,930 |
The number of Māori ward councillors complies with Schedule 1A of the Local Electoral Act
2001, and it is proposed that these arrangements provide effective representation for the
district’s communities of interest.
The population that each general ward councillor will represent is as follows:
General Ward | Population (2018 census) |
Councillors | Population per councillor | Over/Under representation percentage |
Ōtaki General Ward | 8,510 | 1 | 8,510 | 11.32% (under-represented) |
Waikanae General Ward | 13,800 | 2 | 6,900 | -9.74% (over-represented) |
Paraparaumu General Ward | 22,900 | 3 | 7,633 | -0.14% (over-represented) |
Paekākāriki–Raumati General Ward | 8,300 | 1 | 8,300 | 8.58% (under-represented) |
Total | 53,510 | 7 | 7,644 |
In accordance with section 19V(2), Local Electoral Act 2001 the population that each general ward councillor represents must be within the range of 7,644 +/- 10% (6,880 to 8,408), unless community of interest considerations justify otherwise.
Only the representation of the Ōtaki General Ward falls outside the stipulated range and is noncompliant with the fair representation criteria (+/-10% rule). The Council considers that the Ōtaki General Ward warrants a single member representing 8,510 people (which is a 11.32% variation) as the proposed boundaries ensure that the Te Horo community of interest, which community feedback suggests identifies more closely with the Ōtaki General Ward, is not separated by ward boundaries. The Council considers that moving the boundary to address the non-compliance with section 19V(2), Local Electoral Act 2001 “would limit effective representation of communities of interest by dividing a community of interest between wards” as set out in section 19V(3)(ii), Local Electoral Act 2001.
In addition, two councillors will be elected at-large (by all voters of the district).
Community Board Representation
The current Ōtaki, Waikanae, Paraparaumu, Raumati and Paekākāriki Community Boards will each consist of four elected members and will each have a specified number of appointed members as follows:
Ward | Number of appointment members |
Ōtaki Community Board | One appointed member of Council from either the Ōtaki General Ward or the Kāpiti Coast Māori Ward |
Waikanae Community Board |
One appointed member of the Council from either the Waikanae |
Paraparaumu Community Board |
Two appointed members of the Council from either the |
Raumati Community Board | One appointed member of Council from either the Paekākāriki–Raumati General Ward or the Kāpiti Coast Māori Ward |
Paekākāriki Community Board | One appointed member of Council from either the Paekākāriki–Raumati General Ward or the Kāpiti Coast Māori Ward |
Further to this, the community board area boundaries will also be adjusted to align with the
general ward boundary changes proposed above:
- The Ōtaki and Waikanae Community Board boundary will also be moved south past Te
Hapua Road and align with the general ward boundary. - The Paekākāriki and Paraparaumu Community Board boundary will also be moved
south-east moving the five meshblocks encompassing the Emerald Glen and Valley
Road communities into the Paekākāriki Community Board area.
Further information
Copies of the full proposal including Council’s resolution, consultation document and maps
setting out the areas of the wards may be viewed and obtained online from Council’s website and at any Council library or service centre:
- Civic Administration Building, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
- Paraparaumu Library, Iver Trask Place, Paraparaumu
- Waikanae Library and Waikanae Service Centre, Mahara Place, Waikanae
- Ōtaki Library and Service Centre, Main Street, Ōtaki
- Paekākāriki Library, 14 Wellington Road, Paekākāriki (Mondays and Wednesdays 1.30pm to 4.30pm, and Saturdays 10.00am to 2.00pm)
Any queries regarding the Council’s proposal should be directed to [email protected]
Relevant information is also available on the Council’s website
Submissions are invited
Residents and ratepayers with an interest in the proposed representation arrangements are
invited to make written submissions on Council’s representation proposal.
To make a submission online go to
To make a submission in hard copy please forward this to:
- Attention – Steffi Haefeli, Manager Governance
- Physical address - Council Offices, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
- Postal address – Private Bag 60 601, Paraparaumu 5254
- Email – [email protected]
Consultation is open from Thursday 8 August 2024 and submissions must be received by
Council by no later than 5.00pm Monday 12 September 2024.
Darren Edwards
Chief Executive
8 August 2024
We’re moving all public notices for alcohol licence applications online.
Businesses applying for an alcohol licence (new and renewal) will no longer be required to publish a public notice in the newspaper.
If you wish to keep informed about alcohol licence applications, please sign up for email notifications of all new applications at
You can read current public notices at
- Council Alcohol Licences Public Notice [PDF 1.34 MB]
Closed public notices
At its meeting on 4 July 2024, Kapiti Coast District Council (Council) made the following decisions on Proposed Plan Changes 1A, 1C, 1D, 1F, 1K, and 1L to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 (District Plan):
- Council approved Proposed Plan Changes 1A (Accessible Carparking) and 1C (Cycle Parking) under clause 17 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA);
- Council withdrew part of Proposed Plan Change 1L (Council Site Rezonings) under clause 8D of that Schedule; and
- Council made decisions on provisions and matters raised in submissions for Proposed Plan Changes 1D (Street Reclassifications), 1F (Modification of Indigenous Vegetation and Update to Key Indigenous Tree Species List), 1K (Electoral Signage), and 1L (Council Site Rezonings) under clause 10 of the same schedule.
Proposed Plan Changes 1A and 1C
Proposed Plan Change 1A amends requirements for new developments to provide accessible (disabled) carparks, and Proposed Plan Change 1C amends requirements for new developments to provide cycle parking.
Proposed Plan Changes 1A and 1C will become operative on 1 August 2024.
Withdrawal of part of Proposed Plan Change 1L
Under clause 8D of Schedule 1 of the RMA, Council made the decision to withdraw the part of Proposed Plan Change 1L that sought to rezone Maclean Park, Paraparaumu Beach, from Natural Open Space Zone to Open Space Zone (Recreation Precinct). This decision was made to:
- reflect the relief sought by submitters who opposed this part of the plan change; and
- enable Council to make decisions on that plan change without requiring a hearing.
Proposed Plan Changes 1D, 1F, 1K, and 1L
- Proposed Plan Change 1D reclassifies Arawhata Road and Tutanekai Street as Local Community Connector Roads, and Ventnor Drive as a Neighbourhood Access Route in the District Plan’s Transport Network Hierarchy.
- Proposed Plan Change 1F amends the controlled activity rule (ECO-R6) which manages modification of indigenous vegetation in particular circumstances and amends a list of key indigenous tree species (ECO-Table 1) to specifically recognise coastal kānuka as a species.
- Proposed Plan Change 1K amends the electoral signage rule in the District Plan to align with the Electoral (Advertisements of a Special Kind) Regulations 2005 requirements.
- Proposed Plan Change 1L rezones a number of council-owned sites to better reflect and provide for their community use.
Right of Appeal to the Environment Court
Pursuant to clause 14 of Schedule 1 of the RMA, any person or party who has made a submission on provisions or matters included or excluded from Proposed Plan Changes 1D, 1F, 1K, or 1L, has the right to appeal to the Environment Court against the Council’s decisions. The closing date for lodging an appeal in the Environment Court is 21 August 2024, which is 30 working days after this notice was served.
Council decisions and links to the key information
The relevant report is available on the Council’s website at:
All information about Proposed Plan Changes 1A, 1C, 1D, 1F, 1K, and 1L can be viewed at:
- Plan Change 1A:
- Plan Change 1C:
- Plan Change 1D:
- Plan Change 1F:
- Plan Change 1K:
- Plan Change 1L:
This notice has been published in accordance with clauses 8D, 10, 11, and 20 of Schedule 1 of the RMA.
For further information, please contact the District Planning team by phone on 0800 486 486 or by email at [email protected].
Darren Edwards, Chief Executive
Kāpiti Coast District Council
The date of this public notice is 10 July 2024.
- Public Notice For Pcs 1A 1C 1D 1F 1K And 1L [PDF 162 KB]
Pursuant to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, notice is hereby given that Kāpiti Coast District Council, for the purpose of the Ōtaki Gravel Sprint race, will close part of the following road to ordinary vehicular traffic for the period indicated below.
Section of road to be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic:
Waiorongomai Road (the section of road required is the last 2kms of the road north of the Ōtaki Golf Course).
Period of closure:
Sunday 21 July 2024 between 6:00am and 7:00pm
During the period of closure, the following provision will be made for ordinary vehicular traffic which would otherwise use the road:
Alternative provision:
There is no alternative route, however the road will be open on request for vehicles that wish to gain access. During the closure, the organisers will allow access in or out of the road to any local residents at regular intervals throughout the day.
It will be an offence under the above regulations for any person otherwise than under authority of an authorised period to use the streets for ordinary vehicular traffic during the periods of closure.
Pursuant to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, notice is hereby given from Kāpiti Coast District Council, for the purpose of the Matariki Street Party, the following sections of streets will be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic for the periods indicated hereunder.
Sections of streets to be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic from 8am to 11pm on Sunday 30 June 2024 on Main Street, Ōtaki, to ordinary vehicular traffic:
- Aotaki Street to Matene Street.
During the proposed periods of closure, the following provision will be made for ordinary vehicular traffic which would otherwise use the streets.
There will be a detour in place around Raukawa Street and Rangatira Street.
It will be an offence under the above regulations for any person otherwise than under authority of an authorised period to use the roads/streets for ordinary vehicular traffic during the periods of closure.
Pursuant to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, notice is hereby given that Kāpiti Coast District Council, for the purpose of the Matariki on Moana Event, will close the following road to ordinary vehicular traffic for the periods indicated below.
Street proposed to be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic:
- Moana Street, between Tasman Road and Manuka Street, Ōtaki
Period of proposed closure:
Friday 28 June 2024
between 7:00am and 7:00pm
During the periods of closure, the following provision will be made for ordinary vehicular traffic which would otherwise use the streets:
Alternative provision:
There will be a detour in place from Manuka Street and Ngaio Street, and from Marine Parade to Rupini Street.
It will be an offence under the above regulations for any person otherwise than under authority of an authorised period to use the street for ordinary vehicular traffic during the period of closure.
Greater Wellington Regional Council and Kāpiti Coast District Council will be undertaking a rabbit control operation at Pharazyn Reserve on Rutherford Drive, from 5 June 2024.
The operation is to help protect native plants in this sensitive environment. Bait known as Pindone poison will be applied to carrot and dyed green. This is an effective control method for rabbits in this area.
Pindone carrot will be applied directly to the ground within fenced areas.
Dogs must be kept on lead in this area. Please keep to the tracks in the treated areas and avoid contact with the bait or animal carcasses. Signage will be erected at main entry points along the walkway and on fencing.
For further information, please contact:
Greater Wellington
0800 496 734
[email protected]
Kāpiti Coast District Council
0800 486 486
[email protected]
- Pindone Public Notice May 2024 [PDF 277 KB]
Notice of decisions
The Kāpiti Coast District Council (Council) has now made its decisions under clause 10 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act (RMA) on the provisions and matters raised in submissions for Plan Changes 1A and 1C to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 (District Plan).
Withdrawal of part of Plan Change 1A
Under clause 8D of Schedule 1 of the RMA, the Council has withdrawn the part of Plan Change 1A that proposed amendments to Appendix 2 to the District Plan. This decision has been made because Appendix 2 no longer forms a part of the District Plan, having been deleted as a result of the Council’s decisions on Plan Change 2 (Intensification) to the District Plan, which were made on 10 August 2023.
Key changes to the District Plan
Plan Change 1A amends requirements for new developments to provide accessible (disabled) carparks, and Plan Change 1C amends requirements for new developments to provide cycle parking. The primary reason for both plan changes is to address an unintended consequence of a requirement of the National Policy Statement for Urban Development 2020 to remove minimum general carparking requirements for new developments. As a result of the removal of the minimum general carparking requirements, the minimum accessible and cycle parking requirements were automatically removed.
Council decisions and links to the key information
The Council’s decisions were made at a meeting on 14 December 2023. The specific amendments to the District Plan that Council accepted are set out at Attachments 8 and 9 of the report presented to the Council at that meeting. The relevant report is available on the Council’s website at:
The District Plan has now been amended to reflect Council’s decisions on Plan Changes 1A and 1C and the withdrawal of part of Plan Change 1A. The amendments to the District Plan also reflect subsequent minor amendments to the plan changes pursuant to clause 16(2) of Schedule 1 of the RMA. All information about Plan Changes 1A and 1C can be viewed at:
- Plan Change 1A:
- Plan Change 1C:
Right of Appeal to the Environment Court:
Pursuant to clause 14 of Schedule 1 of the RMA, any person or party who has made a submission on provisions or matters included or excluded from Plan Changes 1A or 1C has the right to appeal to the Environment Court against the Council’s decisions. The closing date for lodging an appeal in the Environment Court is 27 March 2024, which is 30 working days after this notice was served.
For further information, please contact the District Planning team by phone on 0800 486 486 or by email at [email protected].
Darren Edwards, Chief Executive
Kāpiti Coast District Council
The date of this public notice is 14 February 2024.
Section 55(2A)(b), Resource Management Act 1991
Kapiti Coast District Council has amended the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 (the District Plan) to give effect to Clauses 3.6(2)(b)(i) and (ii) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD).
The amendments incorporate and update the District Objective DO-O19 ‘Housing Bottom Lines’ into the District Plan, which represent the additional development capacity over the short-medium (2021-2031) and long-term (2031-2051) that must be enabled to meet the expected housing demand in the Kapiti Coast District. The housing bottom lines in DO-O19 are drawn from the Wairarapa-Wellington-Horowhenua Region – Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessment (HBA report) – September 2023, available on the Wellington Regional Leadership Committee’s website. A separate Kapiti Coast HBA report is also available as one of the local chapters of the full report.
Clause 3.6(4) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 requires the housing bottom lines to be inserted into the District Plan without using a process in Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). This means submissions cannot be made on these amendments.
The amendments are effective from 1 December 2023.
The District Plan can be viewed here.
The amendments have been made under sections 55(2) and (2A)(a) of the RMA. This notice has been published in accordance with section 55(2A)(b) of the RMA. The date of this notice is 6 December 2023.
For further information about the District Plan, please contact the District Planning team by phone on 0800 486 486 or by email at [email protected].
Darren Edwards, Chief Executive
Kapiti Coast District Council
The date of this notice is 6 December 2023.
Part 6 of Schedule 1, Resource Management Act 1991
Plan Change 2 (‘PC2’) to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 (‘District Plan’) is an Intensification Planning Instrument under section 80E of the Resource Management Act 1991 (‘RMA’).
The purpose of PC2 is to:
- incorporate the Medium Density Residential Standards (‘MDRS’) into the District Plan
and give effect to the intensification policies (Policies 3 and 4) of the National Policy
Statement on Urban Development 2020 (‘NPS-UD’); - provide for tangata whenua to develop papakāinga housing; and
- amend financial contributions provisions.
At its meeting on Thursday 10 August 2023, the Council decided to accept all of the Independent
Hearings Panel’s (the ‘Panel’s’) formal recommendations on PC2, except for the recommendation in paragraph [13](b)(i) of their report, which relates to a submitter’s request to rezone an 18-hectare site in Otaihanga from Rural Lifestyle Zone to General Residential Zone. The public notice of this decision was issued on Saturday 19 August 2023, and can be found on the Council website at
Pursuant to clause 101(2) of Schedule 1 to the RMA, the Council referred the Panel’s recommendation that it rejected, along with the Council’s reasons for doing so and its alternative recommendation, to the Minister for the Environment (the ‘Minister’) for a decision.
The Minister’s decision
On Wednesday 4 October 2023, the Minister notified the Council of his decision to accept the
Panel’s recommendation. A copy of the Minister’s decision can be found on the Council’s website at [PDF 349 KB].
What happens next?
As a result of the Minister’s decision, and pursuant to clause 105(7) of Schedule 1 to the RMA,
the 18-hectare site in Otaihanga will be rezoned from Rural Lifestyle Zone to General Residential
Zone in accordance with the Panel’s formal recommendation. The extent of land that is to be rezoned is identified in a map that can be found on the Council website at [PDF 676 KB].
The Minister’s decision shall become operative on 1 November 2023.
Do you have questions about PC2?
If you have any questions about PC2, please contact the District Planning team by phone on
0800 486 486 or by email at [email protected]
Darren Edwards, Chief Executive
Kāpiti Coast District Council
The date of this notice is 25 October 2023.
- PC2 Public Notice For Minister's Decision [PDF 1.14 MB]
Notice is given under section 28 of the Local Electoral Act 2001, that the Kāpiti Coast District Council has resolved to retain the Single Transferable Voting electoral system for its 2025 triennial general election.
Electors of the Kāpiti Coast District Council have a right to demand a poll at any time to revoke the resolution to use the Single Transferable Voting electoral system.
Should a valid demand for a poll be received by 11 December 2023, a poll will be held by 14 March 2024 on whether the Single Transferable Voting or the First Past the Post electoral system will be used for the next two triennial elections (2025 and 2028) of the Kāpiti Coast District Council.
If a valid demand for a poll is received after 11 December 2023, a poll will be held after 14 March 2024 with the outcome applicable for the 2028 and 2031 triennial elections.
A valid demand must be –
- made in writing
- signed by at least 5 percent of eligible electors of the Kāpiti Coast District This equates to 2,155 elector signatures
- delivered to the Kāpiti Coast District Council, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
- by 5:00pm, Monday 11 December 2023 (for the outcome of the poll to apply for the 2025 and 2028 triennial elections of the Kāpiti Coast District Council).
Every elector who signs a demand must also set out in it their full name and the address for which they are qualified as an elector of the Kāpiti Coast District Council.
Dated at Paraparaumu 7 September 2023
Darren Edwards, Chief Executive
Kāpiti Coast District Council
Part 6 of Schedule 1, Resource Management Act 1991
Plan Change 2 (‘PC2’) to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 (‘District Plan’) is an Intensification Planning Instrument under section 80E of the Resource Management Act 1991 (‘RMA’). The purpose of PC2 is to:
- incorporate the Medium Density Residential Standards (‘MDRS’) into the District Plan and give effect to the intensification policies (Policies 3 and 4) of the National Policy Statement on Urban
Development 2020 (‘NPS-UD’); - provide for tangata whenua to develop papakāinga housing; and
- amend financial contributions provisions.
Kāpiti Coast District Council (the ‘Council’) publicly notified PC2 on 19 August 2022. After receiving submissions, Council established an Independent Hearings Panel (the ‘Panel’) to hold a hearing and make recommendations on PC2 back to Council. The Panel’s recommendations are in a report available online at and in physical form at the Council’s offices and all public libraries in the district. The Panel’s formal recommendations are set out at paragraph 13 of its report.
The Council’s decision
At its meeting on Thursday 10 August 2023, the Council decided to accept all of the Panel’s formal recommendations, except for recommendation [13](b)(i), which relates to a submitter’s request to rezone an 18 hectare site in Otaihanga from Rural Lifestyle Zone to General Residential Zone. The Council’s reasons for rejecting this recommendation, and the Council’s alternative recommendation, can be found
in the full public notice on the Council website at
A copy of the Council’s minutes recording the decision will be available online at and in physical form at the Council’s offices and all public libraries in the district once the Council has confirmed the minutes of the meeting.
What happens next – for recommendations that the Council has accepted
PC2 as amended by the Panel’s formal recommendations that the Council has accepted shall become operative on 1 September 2023, except for the parts that relate to the Panel’s recommendation that the Council has rejected.
A copy of PC2, as amended by the Panel’s formal recommendations that the Council has accepted, is available online at This document also sets out minor alterations made by the Council pursuant to clause 102(2) of Schedule 1 to the RMA.
What happens next – for the recommendation that the Council has rejected
The Council will refer the rejected recommendation, along with its reasons for rejecting it and its alternative recommendation, to the Minister for the Environment, who will make the final decision. There is no specified timeframe for the Minister to make their decision.
Do you have questions about PC2?
If you have any questions about PC2, please contact the District Planning team by phone on 0800 486 486 or by email at [email protected]
Darren Edwards, Chief Executive
Kāpiti Coast District Council
- PC2 Public Notice – Full [PDF 182 KB]
- PC2 Public Notice – Appendix [PDF 198 KB]
- Public Notification Summary [PDF 168 KB]
We are seeking applications from groups and individuals wishing to use Council-owned facilities (such as halls or aquatic facilities) for community events which benefit the district as a whole.
Remission of facility hire fees is considered under a grants programme administered through Council’s Grant Allocation Subcommittee. The maximum grant payable is $1,000 with a total of $3,300 allocated in the 2023/24 financial year.
Applicants must live in the Kāpiti Coast District, and Council must have received your application before the event takes place.
Applications close at 5pm Friday 11 August 2023.
More information and the application form can be found on our website, or by contacting the programme’s Executive Secretary Tracey Waye on (04) 296 4700.
The Grants Allocation Subcommittee will consider applications and make final decisions on 24 August 2024.
Have your say on whether we should renew, revoke, or amend the Council policy that enables shops in the Kāpiti Coast District to open on Easter Sunday if they choose.
Council adopted a policy in 2017 allowing shops to open on Easter Sunday. We have to review the policy every five years or it automatically revokes. This would mean most businesses won’t be able to trade on Easter Sunday, apart from a few places like dairies, service stations, and garden centres.
Find out more and make an online submission at
Copies of the draft Policy 2023, Statement of Proposal and submission form will be made available at Council service centres and libraries once consultation opens.
- Easter Sunday Trading [PDF 2.7 MB]
Pursuant to the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 the Kāpiti Coast District Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council give notice that the 2023/24 Rating Information Database for the Kāpiti Coast District is available for inspection.
The database lists each property's rateable value, location, legal description, land area and indicative 2023/24 rates.
The Rating Information Database is available for inspection Monday to Friday at the following offices:
- Paraparaumu: Civic Building, 175 Rimu Road, 9am–5pm
- Ōtaki: Service Centre, 81–83 Main Street, 9am–5pm
- Waikanae: Service Centre, Mahara Place, 9am–5pm
- Masterton: 34 Chapel Street (GWRC), 8am–4.30pm
- Wellington: 100 Cuba Street, Te Aro (GWRC), 8am–4.30pm.
Staff will assist with requests for information. Property information is also available at
Darren Edwards
Chief Executive
- Rating Information Database 2023/24 Public Notice [PNG 420 KB]
Kāpiti Coast District ratepayers are reminded that rate instalment four is due on 9 June 2023. Any portion of the current instalment unpaid after 9 June 2023 will incur a 10% penalty, which will be shown on your next rate invoice.
Direct Debit payments
Can be arranged on a weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly basis. To minimise the risk of future penalties, we recommend payment of rate instalments by direct debit. Forms are available at the front Counters at the Civic Building Paraparaumu, the Waikanae Service Centre, the Ōtaki Service Centre and at
Rate Payment at Council Agencies
You can also make rate payments at a New Zealand Post agency or any branch of the Westpac Bank. Simply present the bar coded rate invoice with your payment.
Credit Card Payment
This service is provided by our bank, Westpac New Zealand Limited, through You don’t have to be a Westpac customer to use this service. The current convenience fee is displayed on the credit card payment screen before any payment information is requested.
Rates Rebates 2022/23
If you had a low income as at 31 March 2022 you might qualify for a rates rebate for the 2022/23 rates under a scheme run by the Department of Internal Affairs. Get your application form from a Council service centre or Applications close 30 June 2023.
Darren Edwards
Chief Executive
- Rates Instalment 4 202223 [PDF 392 KB]
Kāpiti Coast District Council is seeking to contact relatives of Sybil Halsey-Mahoney regarding the reservation of Row J, Plots 36 and 38 at Paraparaumu Beach Cemetery on Kapiti Road.
If no contact is made by 1 May 2023, this reservation will lapse.
Please contact us on 0800 486 486 or at [email protected]
We need to temporarily shut off water supply in areas of Waikanae tomorrow between 10am and 2pm in order to connect a new water mains, and to allow for a diversion to support our stormwater works at Waikanae beach.
Both of these important projects improve the reliability and resilience of our water supply and our stormwater network in Waikanae.
Affected Residents
- Te Moana Road numbers 209–293 (odd and even numbers)
- Te Moana Road numbers 294–322 (even numbers only)
- Paretai Grove
- Charnwood Grove
- Nimmo Ave West
- Wakefield Grove
- Bressay Way
- Oak Bay
- Hemara Street
- Ngapaki Street numbers 10–18
Please plan ahead. After the shutdown, you notice a cloudy appearance caused by air in the water. This should clear rapidly if you run your taps for a short period of time (1-2mins).
Thanks for your patience, Waikanae.
We now invite further submissions on Proposed Plan Change 2 to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan.
About Proposed Plan Change 2 (PC2)
PC2 is the Kāpiti Coast District Council’s Intensification Planning Instrument, which is required by the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). This plan change incorporates the Medium Density Residential Standards into the District Plan, gives effect to Policies 3 and 4 of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020, rezones some areas as General Residential Zone, provides for tangata whenua to develop papakāinga on ancestral land, and makes several other supporting or consequential amendments.
More than 200 submissions were received during the submission period 18 August–27 September 2022. They seek a wide range of changes to the proposals.
How to find the summary of decisions requested, and the submissions
Summary of Decisions Requested and the submissions can be inspected online.
RMA requirements for further submissions
This is a summary of the RMA’s requirements for further submissions. See Clauses 7, 8 and 8A of Schedule 1 to the RMA for full details on making further submissions.
The following may make a further submission:
- anyone representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; or
- anyone who has an interest in the proposal greater than the general public has; or
- the local authority itself (for this plan change, the Kāpiti Coast District Council).
A further submission can only express support or opposition to a matter raised in an original submission. It must not raise new points.
A further submission must follow the prescribed form: Form 6 of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003.
A copy of the further submission must also be sent to the original submitter within five working days of providing it to Council.
How to make a further submission
Copies of a Form 6 template[PDF 869 KB] are available online or from the Civic Building at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu.
Further submissions may be emailed to [email protected], or sent to Kāpiti Coast District Council at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5032.
Deadline for making a further submission
Further submissions must be received by 5pm on Thursday 24 November 2022.
Where to get help making a further submission
A free and independent ‘Friend of Submitter’ service is available to provide advice on preparing and lodging a further submission.
If you have questions, contact the District Planning team on 0800 486 486 or email [email protected].
Darren Edwards, Chief Executive
Kāpiti Coast District Council
The date of this notice is 10 November 2022.
The address for service is the same as those set out above for further submissions.
At its meeting on 29 September 2022, Kāpiti Coast District Council (the Council) made the following decisions on Plan Change 1B (Managing Liquefaction Risk for New Buildings) to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021:
- Council confirmed the provisions of Plan Change 1B under clause 10 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA); and
- Council approved Plan Change 1B under clause 17 of the same schedule.
Plan Change 1B will become operative on 31 October 2022.
This notice has been published in accordance with clauses 11 and 20 of Schedule 1 of the RMA.
For more information about the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 or Plan Change 1B, please visit the Council website at:
If you have any questions about the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 or Plan Change 1B please email [email protected].
Darren Edwards
Chief Executive
Kāpiti Coast District Council
Pursuant to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, notice is hereby given that Kāpiti Coast District Council, for the purpose of the Kāpiti Half Marathon, proposes to close part of Marine Parade and Manly Street, Paraparaumu Beach, Kāpiti, to ordinary vehicular traffic for the periods indicated hereunder.
During the proposed periods of closure, the following provision will be made for ordinary vehicular traffic which would otherwise use the streets: a sign-posted detour will be in place with alternative routes including Golf Road, Percival Road, Donovan Road and Maclean Street.
Any person objecting to the proposals is called upon to lodge notice of their objection and grounds thereof in writing, before 12:00 pm, on Monday 17 October 2022 at the office of the Council, addressed to the Economic Development Advisor, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu, 5032 or Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254, or by email to [email protected].
Streets proposed to be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic:
- Northbound lane of Marine Parade, Paraparaumu Beach, from 8:00am to 12:00pm on Sunday 13 November 2022.
- Northbound lane on Manly Street between Maclean Street and Ngapotiki Street, Paraparaumu Beach, from 8:00am to 12:00pm on Sunday 13 November.
Other streets where traffic management will be in place:
There will be other streets in the Paraparaumu area that are affected by traffic management but will have no road closures or detours. This includes stop / go traffic control on Kapiti Road, Paraparaumu and Barret Drive, Waikanae. Further details can be found at the Council offices and libraries.
Submissions, and summaries of decisions requested in submissions, are now available for the following proposed plan changes to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan:
- Plan Change 1A – Accessible car parking provisions
- Plan Change 1C – Cycle parking provisions
- Plan Change 1D – Reclassification of Arawhata Road, Tutanekai Street and Ventnor Drive
- Plan Change 1F – Modification of indigenous vegetation and update to key indigenous tree species list
- Plan Change 1K – Electoral signage
- Plan Change 1L – Council site rezoning.
The submissions and summaries of decisions are online at under the respective plan change. If you have questions, contact the District Planning team on 0800 486 486 or email [email protected].
Further submissions can now be made as provided for in Clauses 7 and 8 of Schedule 1 to the Resource Management Act 1991. As required by Clause 8, only the following persons may make a further submission:
- any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; or
- any person that has an interest in the proposal greater than the interest that the general public has; or
- the local authority itself (for these plan changes, the Kāpiti Coast District Council).
A further submission must follow the prescribed form – Form 6 of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees, and Procedure) Regulations 2003. Among other requirements, a further submission can only express support or opposition to a matter raised in an original submission. It must not raise new points of submission. Copies of a template form based on Form 6 are available from the Paraparaumu Civic Building at 175 Rimu Road, or online at
Further submissions may be emailed to [email protected], or hard copies may be sent to Kāpiti Coast District Council at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5032. A copy of the further submission must also be sent to the original submitter not later than five working days after providing the further submission with the Kāpiti Coast District Council (as required by Clause 8A of Schedule 1).
Further submissions must be received by the Kāpiti Coast District Council no later than 5pm on Thursday 6 October 2022.
Gary Simpson, Acting Chief Executive
Kāpiti Coast District Council
The date of this notice is 22 September 2022.
The address for service is the same as those set out above for further submissions.
Section 80F and Part 6 of Schedule 1, Resource Management Act 1991
The Kāpiti Coast District Council has prepared proposed Plan Change 2 (PC2) to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 (District Plan). PC2 is an Intensification Planning Instrument under section 80E of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). The purpose of PC2 is to:
- incorporate the Medium Density Residential Standards (MDRS) into the District Plan and give effect to the intensification policies (Policies 3 and 4) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD);
- provide for tangata whenua to develop papakāinga housing; and
- amend financial contributions provisions.
- re-zoning a number of smaller areas adjacent to existing urban areas as General Residential Zone;
- incorporating design guides into the District Plan; and
- replacing all references to the Council’s Subdivision and Development Principles and Requirements 2012 document with references to the Land Development Minimum Requirements April 2022
You can read PC2 online at If you have any questions, please contact the District Planning team by phone on 0800 486 486 or by email at [email protected].
The following persons may make a submission on the proposal:
- the Kāpiti Coast District Council; and
- any other person may make a submission but, if the person could gain an advantage in trade competition through the submission, then the person may do so only if the person is directly affected by an effect of the proposal that:
- adversely affects the environment; and
- does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.
You may make a submission by sending a written submission to Kāpiti Coast District Council at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5032 or by email to [email protected]. The submission must be in Form 5 of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees and Procedure) Regulations 2003, and must state whether or not you wish to be heard on your submission. Copies of a template form based on Form 5 are available from the Paraparaumu Civic Building at 175 Rimu Road, or online at
Submissions close 5pm Thursday 15 September 2022.
In summary, the process for public participation in the consideration of PC2 under the RMA is as follows:
- after the closing date for submissions, Council will prepare a summary of decisions requested by submitters and will publicly notify where the summary and submissions can be inspected;
- along with Council, no later than 10 working days after the day that public notice of submissions is given, the following persons can make a further submission in support of, or in opposition to, submissions already made:
- any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; and
- any person who has an interest in the proposal greater than the general public has;
- an independent hearings panel (IHP) will hold a public hearing into submissions on PC2 and make recommendations to the Council on the provisions of PC2 and matters raised in submissions; and
- the Council must notify its decision on the recommendations of the IHP no later than 20 August 2023.
The RMA does not provide for appeals to the Environment Court against Council’s decision.
Gary Simpson, Acting Chief Executive
Kāpiti Coast District Council
The date of this notice is 18 August 2022.
The address for service is the same as those set out above for submissions.
Nominations received
Notice is given under section 65 of the Local Electoral Act 2001 that the following persons have been duly nominated as candidates for:
Mayor (one vacancy)
Last Name |
First Name |
Affiliation |
Martin |
Independent |
Janet |
Independent |
Michelle |
Murray |
Rob |
Independent |
Chris |
Independent |
District-wide (three vacancies)
Last Name |
First Name |
Affiliation |
Mark |
Jackie |
Independent |
Lawrence |
Rob |
Liz |
Independent |
Michelle |
Maria |
Ian |
Independent |
Michael |
Independent |
Ōtaki Ward (one vacancy)
Last Name |
First Name |
Affiliation |
Chris |
Shelly |
Paekākāriki-Raumati Ward (one vacancy)
Last Name |
First Name |
Affiliation |
Sophie |
Richard |
Independent |
Paraparaumu Ward (three vacancies)
Last Name |
First Name |
Affiliation |
Glen |
Martin |
Independent |
Martin |
Independent |
Murray |
David |
Independent |
Bernie |
Kathy |
Independent |
Waikanae Ward (two vacancies)
Last Name |
First Name |
Affiliation |
Tim |
Independent |
Gerald |
Jocelyn |
Independent |
Kate |
Jordon |
Nigel |
Community Boards
Ōtaki Community Board (four vacancies)
Last Name |
First Name |
Affiliation |
Simon |
Independent |
Cam |
Jackie |
Independent |
Graham |
Rob |
Chris |
Marilyn |
Paraparaumu Community Board (four vacancies)
Last Name |
First Name |
Affiliation |
Guy |
Martin |
Independent |
Glen |
Kandi |
Bernie |
Kathy |
Independent |
Karl |
Raumati Community Board (four vacancies)
Last Name |
First Name |
Affiliation |
Jonny |
Independent |
Greg |
Nicholas |
Bede |
Independent |
Tarn |
Tim |
Waikanae Community Board (four vacancies)
Last Name |
First Name |
Affiliation |
Ben |
Tonchi |
Independent |
Barbara |
Michelle |
Richard |
Michael |
As there are (for each office) more candidates than there are vacancies to be filled, an election will be held between the listed candidates on Saturday, 8 October 2022, under the single transferable voting electoral system by postal vote.
Elected unopposed
Paekākāriki Community Board (four vacancies)
Last Name |
First Name |
Affiliation |
Christian |
Kelsey |
Sean |
Sorcha |
As the number of candidates does not exceed the number of vacancies, Christian JUDGE, Kelsey LEE, Sean MCKINLEY and Sorcha RUTH are duly declared elected members of the Paekākāriki Community Board.
Order of candidate names
The Kāpiti Coast District Council resolved under regulation 31 of the Local Electoral Regulations 2001 to adopt the random order of candidate names to appear on the voting documents.
Issuing of voting documents
Voting documents will be posted to electors from Friday, 16 September 2022.
Return of voting documents
Voting documents must be returned not later than noon, Saturday, 8 October 2022 to the electoral officer.
Voting documents can be returned by post or hand delivered at the following council offices between Friday, 16 September 2022 and Friday, 7 October 2022 during normal office hours, and Saturday, 8 October 2022 between 9.00am – noon:
- Kapiti Coast District Council Offices, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
- Ōtaki Library, 81-83 Main Street, Ōtaki
- Paekākāriki Library, Wellington Road, Paekākāriki
- Paraparaumu Library, 9 Iver Trask Place, Paraparaumu
- Waikanae Library, Mahara Place, Waikanae
- Wellington Region Special Voting Hub, Te Pokapu Hapori Community Centre, 105 Manners Street, Te Aro, Wellington
Special voting
Special voting in terms of the Local Electoral Act 2001 and the Local Electoral Regulations 2001 may be exercised at the following locations between Friday, 16 September 2022 and Friday, 7 October 2022 during normal office hours, and Saturday, 8 October 2022 between 9.00am – noon:
- Kapiti Coast District Council Offices, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
- Wellington Region Special Voting Hub, Te Pokapu Hapori Community Centre, 105 Manners Street, Te Aro, Wellington
A person can apply to enrol as either a residential or ratepayer elector right up to and including Friday, 7 October 2022 – the day before the close of voting.
Dale Ofsoske, Electoral Officer
Kāpiti Coast District Council
175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
17 August 2022
The Kāpiti Coast District Council has amended the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 (the District Plan) to give effect to Clauses 3.6(2)(b)(i) and (ii) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020.
The amendments incorporate “housing bottom lines” into the District Plan, which represent the additional development capacity over the short-medium (2021-2031) and long term (2031-2051) that must be enabled to meet expected housing demand in the Kāpiti district. The housing bottom lines are drawn from the Council’s 2022 housing capacity update of the Housing and Business Development Capacity Assessment, which is available at
Clause 3.6(4) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 requires the housing bottom lines to be inserted into the District Plan without using a process in Schedule 1 of the RMA (this means submissions cannot be made on these amendments).
The amendments are effective from 19 July 2022.
The District Plan can be viewed on the Council’s website.
The amendments have been made under section 55(2) and (2A)(a) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). This notice has been published in accordance with section 55(2A)(b) of the RMA. The date of this notice is 21 July 2022.
For further information about the District Plan please email [email protected]
Gary Simpson, Acting Chief Executive
Kāpiti Coast District Council
Clauses 5, 16A, and 21 of Schedule 1, Resource Management Act 1991
The Kapiti Coast District Council has prepared the following proposed changes (the proposed plan changes) to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021:
- Plan Change 1D: Reclassification of Arawhata Road, Tutanekai Street, and Ventnor Drive
- Plan Change 1F: Modification of Indigenous Vegetation and Update to Key Indigenous Tree Species List
- Plan Change 1K: Electoral Signage
- Plan Change 1L: Council Site Rezoning
In accordance with section 86B(3)(b) of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), the rules in Plan Change 1F have immediate legal effect from the date of public notification under Clause 5(1)(b)(i) of Schedule 1 of the RMA.
The proposed plan changes may be inspected online at:
If you have any questions please contact Jason Holland, District Planning Manager by phone 0800 486 486 or email [email protected]
The following persons may make a submission on one or more of the proposed plan changes:
- the Kapiti Coast District Council; and
- any other person may make a submission but, if the person could gain an advantage in trade competition through the submission, then the person may do so only if the person is directly affected by an effect of the relevant proposed plan change that—
- adversely affects the environment; and
- does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.
You may make a submission by sending a written submission to Kapiti Coast District Council at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5032, or by emailing your submission to [email protected]
The submission must be in Form 5 of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees and Procedure) Regulations 2003 and must state whether or not you wish to be heard on your submission. Copies of this form are available in hard copy from the Paraparaumu Civic Building at 175 Rimu Road or online at
Submissions close at 5pm on Thursday, 11 August 2022.
The process for public participation in the consideration of the proposed plan changes under the Resource Management Act 1991 is as follows:
- after the closing date for submission, Kapiti Coast District Council must prepare a summary of decisions requested by submitters and give public notice of the availability of this summary and where the summary and submissions can be inspected; and
- there must be an opportunity for the following persons to make a further submission in support of, or in opposition to, the submissions already made:
- any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest:
- any person who has an interest in the proposed plan change greater than the general public has:
- the local authority itself; and
- if a person making a submission asks to be heard in support of his or her submission, a hearing must be held; and
- Kapiti Coast District Council must give its decision on the provisions and matters raised in the submissions (including its reasons for accepting or rejecting submissions) and give public notice of its decision within 2 years of notifying the proposed plan changes and serve it on every person who made a submission at the same time; and
- any person who has made a submission has the right to appeal against the decision on the proposed plan changes to the Environment Court if,—
- in relation to a provision or matter that is the subject of the appeal, the person referred to the provision or matter in the person’s submission on the proposed plan change; and
- the appeal does not seek the withdrawal of the proposed plan change as a whole.
Gary Simpson, Acting Chief Executive
Kapiti Coast District Council
The date of this notice is 14 July 2022.
The address for service is the same as those set out above for submissions.
Under sections 52 and 53 of the Local Electoral Act 2001, I give notice that on Saturday 8 October 2022 the following elections will be held by postal vote using the Single Transferable Voting electoral system:
Election of Mayor (elected district-wide)
Election of three councillors (elected district-wide)
Election of one councillor for the Ōtaki Ward
Election of one councillor for the Paekākāriki-Raumati Ward
Election of three councillors for the Paraparaumu Ward
Election of two councillors for the Waikanae Ward
Community Boards
Election of four members for the Ōtaki Community Board
Election of four members for the Paekākāriki Community Board
Election of four members for the Paraparaumu Community Board
Election of four members for the Raumati Community Board
Election of four members for the Waikanae Community Board
Candidate names will be listed in random order on the voting documents.
Each candidate must be nominated on the appropriate nomination paper obtainable during normal business hours from Friday 15 July 2022 at:
• Kāpiti Coast District Council Offices – 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
• Waikanae Service Centre & Library – Mahara Place, Waikanae
• Ōtaki Service Centre & Library – 81-83 Main Street, Ōtaki
• Paraparaumu Library – 9 Iver Trask Place, Paraparaumu
• Paekākāriki Library – 14 Wellington Road, Paekākāriki
• Phoning the electoral office on 0800 922 822.
Nominations of candidates must be in the hands of the electoral officer or an electoral official no later than midday on Friday 12 August 2022. Each nomination must be accompanied by a deposit of $200 GST inclusive (payable by bank transfer, eftpos or cash). A candidate may submit a candidate profile statement with their nomination paper. The candidate profile statement will then be included with the voting documents and sent out to electors.
An attachment to the nomination paper outlines rules and procedures governing candidate profile statements.
Electoral roll
The electoral roll to be used for this election closes on Friday 12 August 2022, and can be inspected during normal business hours from Friday 15 July 2022 at the following locations:
• Kāpiti Coast District Council Offices – 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
• Waikanae Service Centre & Library – Mahara Place, Waikanae
• Ōtaki Service Centre & Library – 81-83 Main Street, Ōtaki
• Paraparaumu Library – 9 Iver Trask Place, Paraparaumu
• Paekākāriki Library – 14 Wellington Road, Paekākāriki
Enrolment for inclusion on the Residents Electoral Roll is conducted through the Electoral Commission.
Applications for enrolment should be made through:
• Phoning 0800 36 76 56
• Your local postal agency
Enrolment for inclusion on the Ratepayers Electoral Roll is conducted through the electoral office of Kāpiti Coast District Council. Applications for enrolment should be made on the prescribed form available at the above locations, or by phoning 0800 922 822.
Following closure of the roll, the electoral officer may, on application of any person who is or claims to be entitled to be enrolled or any other person or otherwise, make any necessary corrections to the names, addresses,
abbreviations, or marks appearing in the electoral roll.
Dated at Paraparaumu 13 July 2022
Dale Ofsoske, Electoral Officer
Phone 0800 922 822
175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
Status | Open |
Start date | 19 April 2022 |
Closing date | 5.00pm, 13 May 2022 |
Description of proposal
Kapiti Coast District Council is consulting on the proposal to incorporate and give legal effect in the Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 to this document:
‘Kāpiti Coast District Council’s Land Development Minimum Requirements[PDF 11.48 MB]’
It will replace all references to ‘Council’s Subdivision and Development Principles and Requirements, 2012’ in the District Plan policies, associated commentary, anticipated environmental outcomes, rules and standards.
This change updates Council requirements that encourage best environmental practice and engineering design for land development in the Kāpiti Coast District.
Read the new document - Land Development Minimum Requirements[PDF 11.48 MB] (PDF, 11MB). Hard copies are available until 13 May 2022 at:
- Paraparaumu Library
- Otaki Service Centre – Otaki Library
- Waikanae Service Centre – Waikanae Library
- Paraparaumu Service Centre, 175 Rimu Road
- Paekakariki Library.
Copies can be purchased at the Paraparaumu Service Centre.
If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact Laura Willoughby at [email protected] or phone (04) 296 4700.
You may provide feedback until 5pm, Friday 13 May 2022 by emailing the Kapiti Coast District Council at [email protected]. Please put ‘Land Development Minimum Requirements’ in the subject line.
Or write to:
Attention: Laura Willoughby
Kapiti Coast District Council
Private Bag 60601
Wayne Maxwell, Chief Executive
Kapiti Coast District Council
The date of this notice is 20 April 2022.
Land Development Minimum Requirements[PDF 11.48 MB] (PDF, 11MB)
Copies can be purchased at the Paraparaumu Service Centre.
On 17 February 2022, and in accordance with Policy 11 and clause 3.38 of the National Policy Statement for Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD), the Kapiti Coast District Council amended the District Plan to remove all objectives, policies, rules, or assessment criteria that have the effect of requiring a minimum number of car parks to be provided for any development, land use, or activity.
The parking design standards and minimum loading space requirements in the District Plan are not impacted by the NPS-UD and remain applicable to new development proposals that choose to provide on-site car parking.
As required under Section 55 of the Resource Management Act 1991, these amendments to the District Plan were made without using a Schedule 1 process (the typical public submission process for plan changes).
These amendments to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 may be inspected on the Council’s website at District Plan.
The Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 is available on the Council’s website at Operative District Plan 2021.
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]
Wayne Maxwell, Chief Executive
Kapiti Coast District Council
Clauses 5, 16A, and 21 of Schedule 1, Resource Management Act 1991
The Kapiti Coast District Council has prepared the following proposed changes (the proposed plan changes) to the Operative Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021:
- Plan Change 1A – amends accessible parking provisions for new development
- Plan Change 1B - manages liquefaction risk for new buildings
- Plan Change 1C – amends cycle provisions for new developments
Please note that:
- rules in Plan Change 1A have immediate legal effect from the date of this notice; and
- rules in Plan Change 1B and Plan Change 1C do not have legal effect until a decision on submissions relating to those rules is made and publicly notified.
The proposed plan changes may be inspected online at:
If you have any questions please contact Jason Holland, District Planning Manager by phone 0800 486 486 or email [email protected]
The following persons may make a submission on one or more of the proposed plan changes:
- the Kapiti Coast District Council; and
- any other person may make a submission but, if the person could gain an advantage in trade competition through the submission, then the person may do so only if the person is directly affected by an effect of the relevant proposed plan change that—
- adversely affects the environment; and
- does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.
You may make a submission by sending a written submission to Kapiti Coast District Council at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5032, or by emailing your submission to [email protected]
The submission must be in Form 5 of the Resource Management (Forms, Fees and Procedure) Regulations 2003 and must state whether or not you wish to be heard on your submission. Copies of this form are available in hard copy from the Paraparaumu Civic Building at 175 Rimu Road or online at
Submissions close at 5pm on 17 March 2022.
The process for public participation in the consideration of the proposed plan changes under the Resource Management Act 1991 is as follows:
- after the closing date for submission, Kapiti Coast District Council must prepare a summary of decisions requested by submitters and give public notice of the availability of this summary and where the summary and submissions can be inspected; and
- there must be an opportunity for the following persons to make a further submission in support of, or in opposition to, the submissions already made:
- any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest:
- any person who has an interest in the proposed plan change greater than the general public has:
- the local authority itself; and
- if a person making a submission asks to be heard in support of his or her submission, a hearing must be held; and
- Kapiti Coast District Council must give its decision on the provisions and matters raised in the submissions (including its reasons for accepting or rejecting submissions) and give public notice of its decision within 2 years of notifying the proposed plan changes and serve it on every person who made a submission at the same time; and
- any person who has made a submission has the right to appeal against the decision on the proposed plan changes to the Environment Court if,—
- in relation to a provision or matter that is the subject of the appeal, the person referred to the provision or matter in the person’s submission on the proposed plan change; and
- the appeal does not seek the withdrawal of the proposed plan change as a whole.
Wayne Maxwell, Chief Executive
Kapiti Coast District Council
The date of this notice is 17 February 2022.
The address for service is the same as those set out above for submissions.
Kāpiti Coast District Council advises the Keeping of Animals, Bees and Poultry Bylaw 2021 will come into effect on 1 January 2022.
The Bylaw helps manage the keeping of animals, bees and poultry throughout Kāpiti to ensure they do not create a nuisance or become a threat to public health and safety. It covers a range of activities, including animals (excluding dogs), as well as poultry, roosters and “stock”.
The Bylaw has been amended to improve clarity and strengthen safety and nuisance rules.
Amendments include requiring all non-urban apiaries to be placed 10m or more from public places, unless an exemption license has been granted by Council; requiring a license to keep a peacock in an urban area; and requiring poultry coops and runs to meet standards set out in the Layer Hens Code of Welfare under the Animal Welfare Act.
The Bylaw and updated application forms are available at
On 28 October 2021 the Kāpiti Coast District Council (‘Council’) considered submissions received on its initial proposal regarding representation arrangements for the Council and its community boards to apply for the local elections to be held on 8 October 2022.
The Council received 532 written submissions and 59 oral submissions on its initial proposal. In accordance with section 19N of the Local Electoral Act 2001, the reasons for Council accepting and rejecting submissions are set out as follows:
Treatment |
Reason |
Accept the majority of submissions who agree with retaining 10 councillors plus the Mayor, and reject the minority of submissions who disagree with this number. |
The minority view is rejected in favour of the majority view who see 10 councillors plus the mayor as sufficient to provide for diversity and not spreading councillors too thin, yet small enough to be efficient. The minority view is also rejected in favour of those who believe the current size of Council is working well and as such should not change. |
Accept the majority of submissions who favour a mixed model with both ward and district-wide councillors and reject the minority of submissions who prefer either all ward-based or all district-wide councillors. |
The minority view preferring either all ward-based or all district-wide councillors is rejected in favour of the majority view that favours a mixed model with both ward and district-wide councillors. The majority view is that the mixed model achieves effective representation for the district as it helps councillors to:
Accept submissions that favour an equal ratio of ward and district-wide councillors (five: five) and reject submissions that favour a different ratio. |
The minority view favouring a different ratio (or either all ward or all district-wide councillors) is rejected in favour of the majority view that the ratio of five ward councillors to five district-wide councillors is the right number to balance both local issues and the district-wide perspective. Furthermore, the minority view is rejected in favour of the view that the current ratio is working and doesn’t warrant change. |
Accept the majority of submissions who disagree with combining the Waikanae and Paraparaumu wards (and respective boundary changes) and reject the minority view who favour combining these wards. |
The minority view that supports combining the Waikanae and Paraparaumu wards is rejected on the basis that this does not provide effective local representation for the district’s distinct communities of interest. In particular, that Waikanae and Paraparaumu are distinct and warrant separate representation at a ward level. |
Accept the majority of submissions who disagree with abolishing the district’s current community boards and reject the minority of submissions who agree with abolishing the current boards. |
The minority view that supports the removal of existing community boards is rejected in favour of the majority view that:
Accept submissions that advocate for a new, separate Raumati Community Board. |
Reject submissions that advocate for retaining the current community boards as they currently stand, with no changes. |
Reject submissions who disagree with the boundary change between Ōtaki and Waikanae wards, which moves the boundary south of Te Hapua Road to include three additional meshblocks 1883901, 1883902 and 4011904 with the effect that most of Te Horo becomes part of the Ōtaki ward. |
Reject submissions who disagree with the boundary shift between the Ōtaki and Waikanae wards to move the boundary south of Te Hapua Road on the basis that this boundary change:
Accept submissions that support retaining the current names of geographic hubs for both wards and community boards. |
Reject submissions who prefer different names such as those proposed in Council’s initial proposal on the basis of submissions that see retaining the current names as appropriate to the respective geographic hubs. |
Final proposal
Having considered all of the submissions, on Thursday 11 November 2021 Council resolved to reject its initial proposal and adopt a new proposal as the final proposal for the Kāpiti Coast District Council and its community boards for the 2022 local authority elections. The final proposal is to retain the existing representation arrangements for Kāpiti Coast District Council with minor boundary changes and five community boards, including separate community boards for both Paraparaumu and Raumati. The proposal is set out in detail as follows:
Council Representation
It is proposed that the Kāpiti Coast District Council comprise 10 councillors, five elected on a district-wide basis and five elected from four wards, plus the mayor. The four wards reflect the following identified communities of interest:
Ward |
Communities of interest |
Ōtaki |
A separate geographic community of interest with the northern boundary north of Forest Lakes Road and the southern boundary heading inland south of Te Hapua Road. Includes Ōtaki, Ōtaki Beach, Te Horo and Te Horo Beach. |
Waikanae |
A separate geographic community of interest with the northern boundary heading inland north of Te Kowhai Road and the Waikanae River forming part of the southern boundary. Includes all of Huia Street, Reikorangi, Waikanae, Waikanae Beach and Waikanae Downs. |
Paraparaumu |
The most densely populated central community of interest with the northern boundary following the Waikanae River inland and the southern boundary starting at the corner of Marine Parade and Wharemauku Road and heading inland along Ihakara Street. Includes Paraparaumu and Paraparaumu Beach. |
Paekākāriki-Raumati |
A community of interest comprising Raumati and the separate village of Paekākāriki with the northern boundary starting at the corner of Marine Parade and Wharemauku Road and heading inland along Ihakara Street, and the southern boundary to the south of Paekākāriki Village. |
The population that each councillor will represent is as follows:
Ward |
Population (as at 30 June 2020) |
Councillors |
Population per councillor |
% Variation |
Ōtaki |
10,050 |
1 |
10,050 |
-12.00% |
Waikanae |
14,250 |
1 |
14,250 |
24.78% |
Paraparaumu |
21,300 |
2 |
10,650 |
-6.74% |
Paekākāriki-Raumati |
11,500 |
1 |
11,500 |
0.70% |
Total |
57,100 |
5 |
11,420 |
In accordance with section 19V(2), Local Electoral Act 2001 the population that each councillor represents must be within the range of 11,420 +/- 10% (between 10,278 and 12,562), unless particular community of interest considerations justify otherwise.
The representation of the Ōtaki and Waikanae Wards falls outside the stipulated range. The Council considers that the Ōtaki and Waikanae Wards each warrant a single member for the following reason:
- compliance with section 19V(2) would limit effective representation of communities of interest by dividing a community of interest between wards or subdivisions based on the considerations set out in section 19V(3)(ii), Local Electoral Act 2001.
Community Board Representation
It is proposed that the Kāpiti Coast District Council be divided into five community boards, retaining Council’s existing community boards for Ōtaki, Waikanae and Paekākāriki and establishing separate community boards for Paraparaumu and Raumati. The community boards are set out as follows:
Community Board |
Area of Community |
Ōtaki Community Board |
Rural and urban area including Ōtaki Beach, Ōtaki township, the railway area, Te Horo and Te Horo Beach, with the same boundaries as the Ōtaki Ward. |
Waikanae Community Board |
Urban area including Waikanae Beach, Waikanae township, all of Huia Street, Reikorangi and Waikanae Downs with the same boundaries as the Waikanae Ward. |
Paraparaumu Community Board |
Urban area including Paraparaumu Beach and Paraparaumu township with the same boundaries as the Paraparaumu Ward. |
Raumati Community Board |
Urban area Raumati, Raumati Beach, Raumati South with the northern boundary the same as the Paekākāriki-Raumati Ward and the southern boundary at Waterfall Road/Queen Elizabeth Park. |
Paekākāriki Community Board |
Village area with northern boundary at Waterfall Road/Queen Elizabeth Park and southern boundary the same as the Paekākāriki-Raumati Ward. |
Ōtaki, Waikanae, Paraparaumu, Raumati and Paekākāriki Community Boards
The Ōtaki, Waikanae, Paraparaumu, Raumati and Paekākāriki Community Boards will each elect four members. They will not be subdivided for electoral purposes. They will each have appointed members as follows:
Community Board |
Number of members from which ward |
Ōtaki Community Board |
1 member appointed from Council being the ward councillor elected to represent the Ōtaki Ward |
Waikanae Community Board |
1 member appointed from Council being the ward councillor elected to represent the Waikanae Ward |
Paraparaumu Community Board |
2 members appointed from Council being both ward councillors elected to represent the Paraparaumu Ward |
Raumati Community Board |
1 member appointed from Council being the ward councillor elected to represent the Paekākāriki-Raumati Ward |
Paekākāriki Community Board |
1 member appointed from Council being the ward councillor elected to represent the Paekākāriki-Raumati Ward |
Appeals and objections
Any person or organisation (including a community board) who made a submission on the Council’s initial proposal may lodge an appeal against the Council’s decision. An appeal must relate to the matters raised in that person's submission.
Any interested person or organisation (including a community board) may lodge an objection to the Council’s final proposal. Any objection must identify the matters to which the objection relates.
Appeals and objections must be made in writing and must be received by Council no later than 5:00pm on Monday 13 December 2021.
Appeals and objections are to be forwarded to:
Attention – Sarah Wattie
- Physical address – Civic Administration Building, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu 5254
- Email – [email protected]
Further information
Direct any queries regarding the Council’s decision to Sarah Wattie (contact details above).
Wayne Maxwell
Chief Executive
13 November 2021
On 26 August 2021, Kāpiti Coast District Council reviewed its representation arrangements, and resolved that the following initial proposal be adopted for the local body elections to be held on 8 October 2022, subject to public consultation in accordance with the Local Electoral Act 2001. Council will consider public submissions and determine the final proposal on 11 November 2021.
Council Representation
It is proposed that the Council comprise 10 members elected with a mixed representation model, with five councillors elected from three wards and five councillors elected district-wide, plus the mayor. The three wards reflect the following geographical communities:
Ward | Geographical communities |
Kāpiti ki te Raki / Northern Ward |
Ōtaki, Ōtaki Beach, Hautere, Te Horo and Te Horo Beach communities and the surrounding Tararua Forest Park. The southern boundary is further south than the current Ōtaki Ward boundary down to south of Te Hapua Road and includes three additional meshblocks numbered 1883901, 1883902 and 4011904. |
Kāpiti ki Waenga / Central Ward |
Peka Peka, Waikanae, Waikanae Beach, Reikorangi, Paraparaumu, Paraparaumu Beach and Nikau Valley communities. This is the current Waikanae and Paraparaumu Wards combined. There are slight boundary adjustments to the northern boundary as outlined above, and the southern boundary as outlined below. |
Kāpiti ki te Tonga / Southern Ward |
Paekākāriki and Raumati communities and the surrounding rural area. The northern boundary is further north than the current Paekākāriki-Raumati Ward boundary and includes three additional meshblocks numbered 2003601, 2004301 and 1997901. |
It is proposed that these arrangements provide effective representation for the district’s communities of interest.
The population that each member will represent is as follows:
Ward | Population (population estimate as at 30 June 2020) | Elected members | Population per elected member |
Kāpiti ki te Raki / Northern Ward | 10,050 | 1 | 10,050 |
Kāpiti ki Waenga / Central Ward | 35,500 | 3 | 11,833 |
Kāpiti ki te Tonga / Southern Ward | 11,500 | 1 | 11,500 |
Total | 57,050 | 5 | 11,410 |
In accordance with section 19V(2), Local Electoral Act 2001 the population that each elected member represents must be within the range of 11,410 +/- 10% (10,269 to 12,551), unless community of interest considerations justify otherwise.
The wards and proposed boundaries comply with the +/-10% rule with the exception of Kāpiti ki te Raki/Northern Ward, which is over-represented with a percentage variation of -11.92%. Population growth in the region since the last representation review, as well as the proposed boundary change between Kāpiti ki te Raki/Northern Ward and Kāpiti ki Waenga/Central Ward, mean the proposed deviation is less than the existing representation arrangements. The Council considers that moving the boundary to address this issue “would limit effective representation of communities of interest by dividing a community of interest between wards” as set out in section 19V(3)(ii), Local Electoral Act 2001.
The reasons for the minor boundary adjustments and combining the current Waikanae and Paraparaumu Wards are to reflect population growth across the district since the last representation review and the effect of this on communities of interest, and to provide for fairer representation to Kāpiti Coast resident and ratepayers.
Community Board Representation
The current Ōtaki, Waikanae, Paraparaumu-Raumati and Paekākāriki Community Boards are not included in the representation arrangements set out in this proposal. Instead the proposal focuses on councillors and Council staff working together to foster community-led development, and on new, contemporary ways to help the community engage more directly with Council.
Further Information
Copies of the full proposal including Council’s consultation document and maps setting out the areas of the proposed wards may be viewed and obtained online during all COVID-19 alert levels from Council’s website:
If COVID-19 alert levels permit Council facilities to be open, hard copies will be made available for collection during normal business hours at:
- Civic Administration Building, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
- Paraparaumu Library, Iver Trask Place, Paraparaumu
- Waikanae Library and Waikanae Service Centre, Mahara Place, Waikanae
- Ōtaki Library and Service Centre, Main Street, Ōtaki
- Paekākāriki Library, 14 Wellington Road, Paekākāriki (Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30pm to 4:30pm, and Saturdays 10:00am to 2:00pm)
Any queries regarding the Council’s proposal should be directed to [email protected]
Relevant information is also available on the Council’s website
Submissions are invited
Residents and ratepayers with an interest in the proposed representation arrangements are invited to make written submissions.
To make a submission online go to
To make a submission in hard copy please forward this to:
- Attention – Andrea Healy
- Physical address - Council Offices, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu
- Postal address – Private Bag 60 601, Paraparaumu 5254
- Email – [email protected]
Consultation is open from Wednesday 1 September 2021 and submissions must be received by Council by no later than 5:00pm Monday 4 October 2021.
Wayne Maxwell
Chief Executive
1 September 2021
Weed spraying of all urban and rural roads will be carried out during Sept/Oct 2021 weather dependent.
All chemical applications will be supervised by a Growsafe Registered Applicator operating within the guidelines documented in NZS8409:2004 The Management of Agrichemicals.
New Zealand Biosecurity Services Limited will undertake this weed spraying and can be contacted on 021814644
Pursuant to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, notice is hereby given that the Kāpiti Coast District Council, for the purpose of Paraparaumu Beach Saturday Market, proposes to close part of Maclean Street, Paraparaumu Beach, Kāpiti to ordinary vehicular traffic for the periods indicated hereunder.
During the proposed periods of closure, the following provision will be made for ordinary vehicular traffic which would otherwise use the street: There will be a sign posted detour will be in place.
Any person objecting to the proposals is called upon to lodge notice of their objection and grounds thereof in writing, before Friday 10 September 2021 at the office of the Kāpiti Coast District Council at 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu, Kāpiti.
Submissions can be sent to:
Economic Development Officer Kāpiti Coast District Council,
Private Bag 60601,
Paraparaumu 5254
Or by email to: [email protected]
Street proposed to be closed to ordinary vehicular traffic: The section of Maclean Street between Marine Parade and Seaview Road, Paraparaumu Beach, Kāpiti. Period or periods of proposed closure: Every Saturday between 5:00am and 1:30pm commencing 9 October 2021 until 8 October 2022.
Sean Mallon, Group Manager Infrastructure Services,
Kāpiti Coast District Council
As a result of an extraordinary vacancy, notice is given under section 65 of the Local Electoral Act 2001, that the following person has been duly nominated as a candidate for the Ōtaki Community Board by-election.
BUTLER, Cam (Independent)
As there was only one candidate for one vacancy, Cam BUTLER is declared duly elected to the Ōtaki Community Board.
Dated at Paraparaumu, 20 July 2021
Katrina Shieffelbein
Electoral Officer
Kapiti Coast District Council
Some plumbing fittings have the potential to allow minute traces of metals to accumulate in water standing in the fittings for several hours.
Although the health risk is small, the Ministry of Health recommends that you flush a mug full of water from your drinking water tap each morning before use to remove any metals that may have dissolved from the plumbing fittings.
We are recommending this simple precaution for all households, including those on public and private water supplies.
Director-General of Health
For further information, contact the Regional Public Health Service
Telephone: 04 570 9002 or
Kapiti Coast District Council
Telephone: 04 296 4700
The Kapiti Coast District Council has amended the Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 to give effect to the National Planning Standards 2019.
The amendments are effective from 30 June 2021.
Copies of the Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 can be viewed at all Kapiti Coast District Council Libraries and Service Centres during normal opening hours, or can be viewed on the Council’s website at
The amendments have been made under section 58I (2) and (3) of the Resource Management Act 1991. This notice has been published in accordance with section 58I (3)(e) and (5). The date of this notice is 30 June 2021.
For further information about the Kapiti Coast District Plan please email [email protected].
Wayne Maxwell
The Kapiti Coast District Council has approved the Proposed Kapiti Coast District Plan (originally notified as a proposed plan in 2012).
The Kapiti Coast District Plan 2021 will become operative on 30 June 2021.
This notice has been published in accordance with Clause 20 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991. The date of this notice is 23 June 2021.
For further information about the Kapiti Coast District Plan please email [email protected].
Wayne Maxwell
Public notice date: 25 September 2024
Closing date for public submissions: 5pm, 28 October 2024
Kāpiti Coast District Council gives notice in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977 that it intends to grant new leases on reserve land, as follows:
Waikanae Park
Ngarara Road, Waikanae, Part Lot 1 DP 23513
1. Waikanae Community Patrol
The Waikanae Community Patrol is seeking a lease to construct and occupy a garage, at the top left of the access road from 50 Park Avenue (in the car park), to house a vehicle associated with the Community Patrol’s activities.
- Leased area approximately 90m2
- Term of lease: 9 years with a 6-year right of renewal
2. Kāpiti Dog Training Club
The Kāpiti Dog Training Club is seeking a lease to construct and occupy two buildings, located at the top left of the access road from 50 Park Avenue (before the car park), to undertake activities associated with the Kāpiti Dog Training Club.
- Leased area approximately 311m2
- Term of lease: 9 years with a 6-year right of renewal
3. Waikanae Community Market
The Waikanae Community Market is seeking a lease to occupy a storage container at the rear of the lower car park, adjacent to the skate park, to store equipment used for the Waikanae Community Market.
- Leased area approximately 13m2
- Term of lease: 9 years with a 6-year right of renewal
Mazengarb Reserve
Mazengarb Road, Paraparaumu, Lot 1 DP 59080
4. Combined Rotary and Lions Mini Golf Course
- Leased area approximately 1,745m2
- Term of lease: 9 years with a 6-year right of renewal
The Rotary and Lions Clubs of Kāpiti are seeking a lease to construct and operate a mini golf course, adjacent to the playground.
If you want to make a submission or an objection to any of these proposed new leases please send this in writing to [email protected], or by post or in hand to Kāpiti Coast District Council, 175 Rimu Road, Private Bag 60601, Paraparaumu 5254.
Please indicate if you wish to be heard in support of your submission or objection. Submissions or objections must be received by Council not later than 5pm 28 October 2024.
For further information please contact [email protected].
Information provided to the Council is subject to the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and may be released by the Council under that Act.